Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

December full moon


Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

No wonder it was so bright!

John Atkinson said...

When Norma Jean went out last night I saw that moon. I get melancholy when the big moon peeps through fall clouds.

Living Life said...

That moon shines so bright in the dark hills of my neighborhood, it almost seems like day time!

Thena said...

We have a bay window in our bedroom, and when the moon is full it lights up the room.

Pamela said...

Brrrrrrrrr.... I saw that last night and the little ice crystals were reflecting the perfect full orb. I didn't take a photo. sigh.

Faye said...

Isn't it odd how different people respond to the same thing--we were just talking about this yesterday at lunch. My friend hates winter, the cold, the time change. I love it. See this beautiful wintry moon just makes me feel so peaceful. Your photography Janis?