Monday, December 7, 2009

The songs you Love to Hate


cynical girl is hosting this week and she has a fun challenge for it is......

A big part of many holidays is the music, but none more so than Christmas, whether or not you celebrate. It’s everywhere–on the radio, TV, in the stores. While many of the songs are lovely and happy and a part of the holiday tradition, a few songs just drive you insane after awhile. Especially since they tend to be repeated over and over, day after day.
So, my question is this: What Christmas (or other holiday) song would you prefer never to hear again, and why? It could be one song in particular, or songs by a certain singer, or a version of a song you usually enjoy that grates on your nerves. We promise not to judge. It’s your chance to vent.
If you have a YouTube version of the offenders handy so we can share your pain, all the better.
Well, I thought long and hard on this challenge and here is what I came up with. The Twelve days of Christmas...this song to me is soooooo over done.. I used to like it went it first came out..waaaaay back when, but over the years it started getting on my when it comes on the radio, I switch to a different station right away. Think about it...this song makes no sense...who wants all that stuff they sing about??? Click on the link below to see for yourself..
Thanks again to Cynical Girl for hosting this week. Now go see what is getting on other peoples nerves.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want to clean up the mess all those birds and animals left! Yikes! Every year the amount one would have to spend for all those gifts gets published, and I think I'd rather have the money.

Thanks for joining in!

Faye said...

Well, I checked out your version of this song and I can take it a bit easier because there's no one singing--just the piano. And the only thing I'd take would be the "nine lords leaping" if they were in Riverdance! Luckily there's a wealth of Christmas music that we do love so we can do just what you do Janis--switch to another station.

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree by Brenda Lee--enough already!!

Living Life said...

Remember Bob & Doug's Canadian version of that song? Copy and paste this link into your browser. It is a bit more tolerable to listen to.

Jill said...

I don't mind the 12 days of Christmas I guess, but I like the a capella version that came online a few years ago, it was a glee club in college or something, and now the group travels and does it for money, that seems odd, but I guess to each their own, right? I can't remember the name, shame on me, but it gets plenty of hits on you tube!

wendishness said...

Haha yes painful song! I remember when I was young, they did an Australian version, and I don't recall much of it but instead of a partidge in a pear tree it was a politician up a gum tree.

Jo said...

We (faculty and staff) do a fun version of this for the kids every year at school. There's a male teacher that's been putting on a wig of yellow braids and a skirt and holding a bucket while he chases around a student in a cow costume for the maids a milking verse. The six geese a laying are always the special ed teacher's goose puppet with real eggs in it, she drops one each time it goes by. The kids love it.

The song doessn't have much use other than making fun of it.

Ingrid said...

Of course I like the English Christmas songs, which they play here in Belgium, because there are none in french. We only have the Christmas carols and that wouldn't be very appreciated in a shop or mall. In English nobody understands, or only a few, the music is nice and everybody is happy with Gingle Bells, Rock around the Christmas tree and dreaming of a white Christmas etc.

ChrisB said...

I wouldn't mind a few gold rings!! I bet this one will be played a few times in the lead up to Christmas. I actually prefer this to some of the other Christmas songs.

Sayre said...

Hahaha!!!! Yeah, I'd have to agree - as a "classic" this one has been overdone and is totally annoying after the first couple of hearings.

LadyStyx said...

I love the 12 Days of Christmas, but ONLY if it's Andy Williams' version... A Song and a Christmas Tree.