This weeks challenge comes at a time of year when giving is on most peoples mind...our hostess this week is our good friend and frequent host Sayre and here is her assignment.
How will you express your inner-Giver this season? Do you donate to a major charity? Do you serve food in a soup kitchen? Is your generosity something private that you do without recognition or do you hand the guy on the corner a dollar whenever you drive by?Not only do I want to know what you do, but how you do it, why you do it, and a story about your activity and how it made you feel.
The holidays have a way of bringing out the best in most people. We look around and see want in peoples faces who are struggling in these hard economic times. In our small town of Hanover Pa. we have a group of 32 churches that contribute to The area Council of Churches and the changing lives homeless shelter. This is where my Hubby and myself contribute our time and a monetary donation throughout the year and during the holidays. In the past 4 years we have helped deliver Meals on wheels..just to be able to take a meal to someone who is house bound or handicapped or living alone and on a very fixed income, brings a sense of compassion to us. Most of these people are so thankful for this very simple act. It keeps us very humble. My hubby has been volunteering one night a week as a mentor to the people who are living in the shelter and trying to get back on their feet, whether its from drug or alcohol addiction or just people who have lost jobs n homes and have nowhere to go. My Hubby and I have a very Blessed life and never want to forget others who are less fortunate. We try our best to help out not only in the community but our church also. Whether it being donating clothes to the shelter...or the mitten tree at our church, we know that every little bit helps. As Christmas draws near, I will do the angel tree at Walmart and donate a gift to a child. Now go read some more stories about giving Click here. A big Thank You to Sayre for hosting once again!
I like the year-round giving aspect of your charity - but I also believe in the holiday push. Perhaps it's no mistake that the holidays happen during the harshest part of the year, when people need the most.
Very generous! I give through the school...canned foods and presents for adopted families in the community. The rest of the year I tend to give in little spurts...like surprising the person behind me at the coffee shop with a free coffee ;0)
Good for you. Wonderful ways to help folks!
Very nce post. And I love your new blog page layout! This time of year is very hard for alot of people. Every little bit does help.
Your post reminded me of a time some years ago when I was going through counselling for a post traumatic stress thing. I was doing it tough at the time financially but I was just managing.
The local Church had put together these wonderful (and large) baskets, full of foods and treats and other goodies and they gave me one.
It was so humbling that so many generous people had contributed money and time to put these together to give out.
I really enjoyed your post, especially because it reminded me of a gift I once received.
things always seem worse for the have-nots around the holidays. kids everywhere believe in Santa or Christmas or other gifty holidays in general. We never had much, but always felt rich at Christmas time. One new big toy (maybe today's 25-30$ toy) was awesome for us...
Meals on Wheels is a wonderful thing! I have a friend who has done that for years. Both the food and the company nourish.
Janis, you've hit at the center of giving--it's all about sharing time, talent and treasures--not just the easy way of writing a check. And it's all year. Like you, I feel so fortunate to have what I have. . .there but for the grace. . .
I'll have my "giving" post up later in the week. Right now I've got a little dog silliness up that I wanted to keep on top of blog for a few days.
I worry what will happen to all the givers in the next few years. So many things are changing.
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