Monday, October 27, 2008

Fun Monday

This is Fun Monday "Scary Edition" and Sayre is the hostess. Her assignment is, tell us about your scariest Halloween as a kid (pictures if you have them) what costume are you wearing this year(if any) pictures of a carved pumpkin or how you decorated your house for Halloween.

As a kid, (that was a long time ago) we lived in Baltimore city, there were tons of houses to go trick or treating to. We used to start two or three days before Halloween and if the people did not give us treats, we would soap up their windows.(we were bad) The Friday before Halloween was called "moving night" or "mischief night" kids would go out and move stuff that neighbors had sitting on porches or in their yards. They would move these objects to near by places, just for fun. Sometimes they would throw eggs at your house or car, wrap toilet paper around tree's or even put your cat down the mail boxes, especially if it was a black cat. My Mom kept a close eye on us kids (5 of us) to be sure we didn't participate in these activities. Soaping windows was the worst we did. Our costumes were always home made, stores did not sell costumes like they do today. My grandmother made most of them, (clown, cowgirl, gypsy, powder puff girl) as we got older, we mostly went as Bums or Hobo's, it was easy to throw together. I don't remember being really scared at Halloween. There really wasn't that many scary costumes around. This was a time when life was very simple and we didn't have a lot of TV shows to watch. Halloween sparks happy memories for me. Always lots of candy, we took big paper grocery bags and had them filled up in no time at all. Multiply this times 5 and you have a bunch of goodies!


Melanie said...

I love your pumpkin decorations! Too cute!

My costumes were always home made when I was little too. They were a lot better than all of the store bought ones they sell today.

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

So cute! I didn't see you on the sure to sign up on the list so everyone can come visit!

Tiggerlane said...

You have really decorated a LOT there! I remember always having to put up our black cats during Halloween week - but had never heard of stuffing them in mailboxes!

Living Life said...

That sounds like fun! Things are just not the same today.

Molly said...

Janis, Welcome to Fun Monday. I like your decorations. They seem cheery and not scary.

Sayre said...

I always keep my cats in on Halloween. People get so strange and I can't bear the thought of one of my furbabies getting hurt because of someone's joke.

Thanks for joining in!

Sandcastle Momma said...

I love your decorations! I miss the good ole days filled with lots of trick or treating! It's starting to die off here where I live.

Faye said...

I love you pumpkin table display. Each is so unusual. Did you craft them?

Welcome to Fun Monday. It's worth the effort for the nice people you meet. My post is finally up tonight as I was out of town all day.

P.S. I'm old enough to remember celebrating Halloween in the country by turn over outhouses. . .

Jo Beaufoix said...

Cool pumpkins and your Halloweens sound fun. :D