Tuesday, July 7, 2009

She Had To Have Them

Last week, daughter Tracy, took her two darling little girls shopping. Holly, the two year old grabbed the "Dora Shoes" and would not put them back. You can see who won that battle. Check them out, they are two sizes too big. She just loves them!


Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Dora rocks! And she has plenty of time to grow into them ;0)

LadyStyx said...

The question now is, will she wear them out before she outgrows them?

Ari_1965 said...

I want a pair.

Living Life said...

She will probably look back on this one day and cringe.

m (the misanthrope) said...

Awww - totally awesome shoes! Ditto Ari, I want a pair too ;-)

Tracy said...

Poor little thing has had scabs on both knees since we made our "Dora" purchase. Doesn't seem to faze her though, because she still insists on wearing them.

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Ah, I remember a certain pair of patent leather loafer I HAD to have at about that age. I wore them everywhere.

You can't go wrong with Dora.

Faye said...

Life is good--especially when you have a brand new pair of pink Doras!