Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fun Monday for July 13

Hello everyone welcome to Fun Monday, we would love for you to join in. Here is the challenge this week.

Since the Lazy Hazy Days of summer are upon us now, tell us what activities you enjoy doing outside and how do you stay cool. Share some photos of both if you wish.
If you would like to host the next FM on July 20, let me know in the comments. Thanx

attention all...we have a host for next Weeks FM July 20...and that is our friend..Mariposa

Sign up below and leave a comment also


Tracy said...

I love summer time so this will be a fun writing activity.

Anonymous said...

I haven't done a Fun Monday in ages, should be fun.

LadyStyx said...

Outside? With the sunpoisoning I get everytime? I think not. Only way I escape it is if Im in a cold pool and mostly submerged (neck down). Since there's no pool here, Im indoors most times.

Living Life said...

Count me in for FM. So far this summer, it has not been to hard to keep cool.

Ingrid said...

Hehehe ! that's a nice subject especially for somebody who lives where it often rains cats and dogs and it's cold,(at least for the moment) lol ! but it is summer !

m (the misanthrope) said...

I am IN!! Summer is my favorite season and I can't babble about it enough ;-)

Faye said...

Thanks for giving me an excuse to post about something I've been wanting to natter on about for some time, Janis. I'm in.

Cruise Mom said...

I haven't done a FM in ages - good time of year to catch up!

Anonymous said...

Sum-ah time...and the livin's easy !
I'm going to try really, really hard to follow the Mon Funday rules.

Mariposa said...

My post will be up by midnight EST. And I can host next week's FM if none has volunteered yet.

karisma said...

WooHoo! I actually got my post up on time! Karisma takes a bow! LOL! Thanx for hosting this week. Hugs xxxx