Sayre smiles is our hostess this week and she has come up with a very interesting topic.
Using your imagination, project into the future and tell me what you will be like as an 80-year old. Will you be someone who doesn't accept the aging process, spending all your time in the gym and the bars, or will you be a rocking chair granny, or something in between?
If its God's will to allow me to live until 80, first of all I would be so thankful. I would imagine that I would be doing the same things I am doing now except maybe scaled down a little. Exercise is a big part of my life right now and hopefully I will be able to continue. Spending time with family is another thing that I know will still go on. As long as I can bend over or get down on the ground and get back up again, I will tend to my garden. If Fun Monday is still going on, you will see my name on the list to participate. I guess you could call me a rocking chair Granny, because I do love sitting on my porch and rocking in my chair and waving to the neighbors that walk by, and I am a Granny. Growing old is a sometimes scary process, but we all go through it. Accepting the changes that occur is part of growing old with grace. This is what I am trying to do. Let me tell you...it isn't easy. Now go see what the rest of group is saying click here. Thanks for hosting Sayre.
Hello and happy FM my friend! Your plans and hopes sound wonderful. I like your idea of continuing with exercise and the other activities that you enjoy now. I am really enjoying everyone's posts. I'm envisioning some sort of bloggers' retirement community or something, where we can all live out our hopes and dreams :-)
accepting the changes in life gracefully!!! I like that.
My fun monday is posted....but, take note, there is an 'x' rated cartoon involved. But all in fun. In fact my whole 80'ish monday today, IS fun!!!
Ah, sitting on the porch in a rocker and waving to neighbors...time well spent.
I love front porches and rocking chairs! I like to do that NOW!
Keeping up the exercise is a good plan - it keeps you from freezing up later (as long as you don't overdo it!).
my dad seems to be scared of dying before he retires or not being able to enjoy his retirement. i'm glad you have such an outlook on life. my mom looks forward to retirement and doesnt fear death. i hope they both grow old but stay healthy until the end. if wishes were horses, i'd have a ranch! hope you get your projection and can still enjoy all the things you do now
You do it so gracefully, Aunt Jan! You are a role model for all of us younger women in the family and we love you for it!
I wish that we had front porches-I'd have somewhere to put the rocking chair that belonged to my granny and be able to sit and watch the world go by-laptop on my knee of course.
Wow, you summed it all up nicely. I sure hope you live well into your 80's and beyond! I enjoy spending lots of time with you and if you even think about becoming bitter or nasty, I will surely let you know about it!
I had a neighbor who said growing old wasn't for sissies. I do ok because I have four legged Norma Jean that never lets me skip her walk. I want to write the great American novel and released on my 80th birthday.
Janis, you have the right formula!
I didn't think of the little things that are so important. Like bending over and getting up again.
Definitely going to stay limber and keep that goal in mind.
Going to the gym is key to longevity and keeping limber. Hopefully when you're in your 80's, we'll still see you be-bobbing around town in the granny mobile.
Absolutely! Accepting the change is always a challenge, but if you can do it gracefully things do go more smoothly.
Have a wonderful Monday!
How lucky we are to be at a point in life when we are able to do what brings us happiness--exercise, family, gardening. And even better, to want the same things in our 80th year. I hope you continue to enjoy your good life, Janis.
Wow, I also made mention Fun Monday!LOL Hmmm...
Spending time in the garden seems most people's fave. ;)
Wish you a great week ahead!
Grandkids need rocking grannies. I am sure yours will grow up with you at the center of some of their best memories.
You have the right philosophy ! Of course we all slow down with the years ! As long as the head doesn't slow down it's OK !
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