Our recent road trip to Ga/Fl was quite the adventure. All was going great, the traffic on interstate 95 south was very light and we were making real good time. We were in Santee S.C about 2:15 pm when the car started to sputter, we got over to the shoulder of the road and kept pressing the gas pedal, with each press, the car would jerk forward a few feet and then stop. With that my hubby, announces that he thinks we ran out of gas. Now here goes my mouth...WHAT! how could you let that happen! Didn't you watch the fuel gage? Says my hubby.."am I going to have to hear it for the rest of the trip"? Well with that, I started to laugh and said, I am getting my camera, this is a blog! All I can say is Thank God for cell phones and triple A. We were able to give them our location and they said they would send someone within 45 minutes. So we got out of the car and found this little patch of shade and stood there waiting. It was so hot, 90 degrees to be exact, the only breeze we got was from the cars rushing by. The gnats were buzzing our heads and the ants were swarming our feet. The next thing you know here comes the sheriff, he was the nicest guy, he stayed with us until our gas guy came and I felt a lot safer with him there. All n all the whole episode took 40 minutes so it was a good outcome, but we both know how lucky we were. I don't think Jer will play that empty gas sign game to see how far he can get, anymore. It must be a man thing. Stayed tuned for part 2 of our trip home.

And to think they hate to ask for directions if they get lost. Maybe they just don't like the idea of stopping period. Have you made it back home yet? I was on I-95 in GA this evening at the outlets in Savannah. We're only about 30 minutes from them.
OMG...I am glad you are OK! I am one of those people who believes that "if the gas gauge says 1/4, it's empty" so that's the lowest I let it get. I'm also a big believer in AAA...just having that membership makes me feel safer. Glad your adventure ended up OK. It made for a good blog post!
Oh my Lord. I would have KILLED Brian. He is good about the gas gauge, though! Glad it worked out!
Atleast you're putting your Triple A membership to good use. Glad you had a safe trip to and from.
My husband knows better than to do that with me. I'm too highstrung to be able to handle something like that happening.
I've had several of those experiences with my hubby when we lived in FL. Has not happened recently though. I know exactly how you felt! Glad it all worked out and I doubt it will EVER happen again!
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