Monday, April 20, 2009

What Inspires You

Sayre is our gracious hostess this week and here is her assignment.

Take your camera to work and take pictures of the things that inspire you as you work or that inspires your coworkers. Ask them (or yourself) what it is about that particular object or picture that makes the work day seem a little easier.If you don't work outside the home, take a picture of the thing that helps you get through the day and inspires you to have the best day you can.
Well, I am one of those lucky retiree's, it has been eleven years since I have worked and I have loved every minute of my retirement. Here are a few things that inspire me on a daily basis.
My sleeping angel is what I see when I wake up in the morning and go to bed at night. She looks so peaceful and it gives me peace just to look at her. My oldest daughter gave her to me for Christmas about seven years ago.
Just to see mother nature at work is such an inspiration to me, feeding and watching the birds bring me great Joy.
To see a flower burst into bloom is another inspirational moment for me.

I am so glad that I have been able to slow down to enjoy and appreciate all the little things that surround me everyday. Of course my four darling granddaughters inspire me to be the best person I can be also.

Now go on over and see what inspires the rest of the group click here. Thanks for hosting Sayre


LadyStyx said...

That angel is gorgeous. I'd take a picture of what inspires me most, but he's at work right

m (the misanthrope) said...

Wonderful pics, Janis. Spring is here and that is always an inspiration! (Well, today sure didn't seem like it, but it's that whole April showers thing I guess...hey, I know a bad joke about that *giggle*) Happy FM to you!

Jill said...

I have to agree that the flowers and critters are a great inspiration. When I wasn't working before the baby was born, I sat and watched the rabbits and squirrels and birds and told her all about them. Now we dont have that and I miss it.

Unknown said...

Great pictures,it makes me eager to get nicer weather.

m (the misanthrope) said...

P.S. Thank you for sending me over to Tracey's! I hadn't gotten to visit any blogs over the weekend so I missed the post about May 16. Thanks for letting me know! I'll tell you what I told her...

Ellicott City is quite convenient for me and I would love to meet you all.

However, the 16th (especially the afternoon) is bad for me. I had an appointment for the preceding Saturday (May 9), but then something came up and had to move it to the 16th. It's a long story, but the upshot is that I can't move it again. *sob*

I would have loved to join you all for photos and lunch. I will let you know if something changes. I am hoping that with the summer just beginning, another gathering might be scheduled later on. Sorry. I'm so disappointed.

Gattina said...

I have my cats in the morning who inspires me (good or bad) lol ! and I fully agree with you for the rest !

Faye said...

I'm glad you have such lovely piece of art to wake up to Janis. I can tell it symbolizes a lot for you--daughter's love and attention, wishes for peace and rest. Yes, the outside is glorious now. If you're like me though, back is still aching from the first serious yardwork of the season. And bravo for retirement!

And, I'm reading M's comments and getting jealous! You're having a blog buddy meet up? Wish I were close enough to try to wrangle an invitation as well. I have a friend of over 40 years who lives near Baltimore.

Hootin Anni said...

I could barely get myself to scroll past that sleeping angel. How precious is that? I love it. And your flowering tree....gorgeous as is your daffodils.

Thanks for stopping by today.

Sayre said...

I have a painting I see when I wake up in the morning - done by a friend of mine. It makes getting up so much easier. Your angel must do the same for you.

Inspiration comes in many shapes and sizes - yours are beautiful.

Living Life said...

I can't believe you still have that angel in your collection! It is definitely a keeper. I love your springy blossom pics. I am glad that you are enjoying retirement.

ChrisB said...

Your angel is gorgeous and I agree nature is truly inspirational.

Molly said...

Your sleeping angel is inspirational. You are right flowers are inspirational as well especially spring flowers after a long, cold winter.

Anonymous said...

Very nice! I love the angel. And I love your layout for your blog too!

Happy Monday!


Sandcastle Momma said...

Your photos are beautiful! I love that angel and can see from your photos that you are surrounded by beauty. Very inspiring!

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful pictures! wish I were you...:-)

Anonymous said...

bless you ! quite useful article!

my website is

Also welcome you!