Why I love my Church
I have been attending St Davids UCC for going on five years now. My daughter Kelly (aka The Church Lady) is the church secretary. Her family is also a member there. The first time I walked into the sanctuary it was like a flash from my childhood. It reminded me so much of the small Methodist church that I grew up in. I had been looking for a church to join since I moved to Hanover Pa In 1999 and since I was Lutheran at the time, I was attending the many Lutheran churches in this town. Kelly and her family were also looking for a church to join. She is the one that found St Davids. I decided to attend a service there and I knew I found my church after the first visit. The congregation is so friendly and you feel welcome right away. But the most important person in the church is the Pastor, he is the one who has to deliver the sermons every week and keep them interesting, remember every ones name and do community work. He has to be there for everything from weddings, funerals, baptisms and special events. Pastor Scott is a hands on person and believe me he is everywhere. He really is everywhere...I don't know when this man finds time to sleep. He is at all the special events at the church and many times you will find him in the kitchen helping to clean up. The skating parties that are held for the kids, you will find Pastor Scott out there on the floor with his skates on racing with the best of them. The Church bowling league every Sunday night...yep he's there too. Oh and did I tell you he coaches several sports at the middle n high school and he is a volunteer fireman. Anyway...he's not only a good Pastor, but he is fun too!
Pastor Scott and The Church Lady
I must remember to tell Kelly about being a "church lady" aka secretary for the years that I was in college. Methodist for me.
Glad you've found a church community that fulfills your spiritual needs, Janis. I keep going back to an Episcopal church because I appreciate its meditation service.
I am glad to have found a loving church family and an awesome pastor. P. Scott makes my job easy and fun!
You are lucky to have such a great spiritual home! Love the header, BTW ;0)
we finally chose a new church -- we left our previous one almost two years ago -- and have been carefully visiting and revisting.
I'm glad you have a good pastor. I hope we made the correct choice.
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