Jan is our most gracious host this week and she has us talking some dirty laundry! Here is what she has us doing.
Everyone has laundry. Where do you do yours? Show us your Laundry room, or where you go to get those clothes clean! Photos, please.
My laundry area is a no frills, plain Jane, run of the mill..but serviceable section of my unfinished basement. I dust the cobwebs at least once or twice a year, depending on how active the spiders are. See the rug...it hasn't been vacuumed for months. I just don't think about it. One day I hope to at least paint the cinder block to make it look brighter...at least I do have a small over head window, so the natural light comes in. We thought about finishing the basement off...but it really would not get used. I would love to move my washer n dryer upstairs somewhere, but haven't figured out where to put them...maybe in our garage, that would take some work but it could be done. So for now, I travel two flights of stairs so I can have clean clothes..it's good exercise. Now go see where the rest of the group get their clothes clean...click here thanks for hosting Jan!
This is the closest I've seen yet to what my laundry looks like, except yours is tidy!!! again like yours mine is downstairs but that's fine as its right near the clothes line.
I don't have a laundry room, just a washing area. I prefer to handwash my laundry despite woning a washing machine. :)
I like how much space you have! I feel like my garage stuff is trying to take over...
At least the area is spacious, and no one will see it if it ever gets messy!
That's a nice place ! I have my washing machine in the kitchen and the dryer in the basement. It's OK for what I have to wash.
Wow! So clean. Mine is all nasty.
Wow, that's a large area. Color me envious.
This photo reminded me of when I was really young and we lived in an old farm house where the washer and dryer were in the basement. I had to cross a dark basement in order to reach the light that allowed me to see down there after dark. I hated it when mom told me to go throw the clothes in the dryer. I just knew the bogeyman was going to get me. Your laundry room is so tidy!!
My mom had hers in the basement for a long time, then in her kitchen, and now back to the basement while their house remodel is going on and it is going to be INSIDE their bedroom, a separate room, but not accessible except in the master, which at retirement age, makes a lot of sense. I am smacking myself for not putting a pic of my new laundry room in. Duh. Oh well. Another time!
Your laundry room in the basement looks a lot like the one in our old home except yours is neater and cleaner.
Lucky puppy! I don't even have a laundry room. I have to haul everything to the kitchen to wash it (that's where the washer is) and then haul it out to the shed to run it thru the dryer. Fold everything while sitting on the sofa and then haul it all back upstairs...
looks clean and comfy to me. Basements with laundry areas always have a very soapy smell. Does yours? (:
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