Saturday, October 27, 2012

Beauty Interrupted

 It's sad to think that this quiet beauty is going to be violently interrupted in a matter of 48 hours, here in S.Central Pa. The Frankenstorm "Sandy" is going to pay us a visit and it seems she has picked this area for a mini vacation. Her itinerary list that she plans on staying for a few days!  CAN YOU BELIEVE THE NERVE !!!   The gorgeous colors on the trees are going to become a "Leaf Blizzard" flying through the air like the flurry of a wind tunnel, maybe even taking the tree with it!!!  Today we prepare and Batten down the Hatches for our unwanted visitor!!! Can't find D batteries my P.nut butter n jelly n loaf of bread for our meals to be eaten in the candle light. Thankfully it's not tooo cold here yet!, the temps will be in the low 50's so at least we can stay warm if we lose our power.  Please keep us North easterners in your prayers my friends out there in the blogosphere, we are going to need it!


Lois Evensen said...

Stay safe there!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

stay safe. no real weather yet. just wind. i wonder what we will have around here in VA. rain? flooding? i wonder? (:

TexWisGirl said...

these are so pretty. there's no way those leaves have a chance. but i hope you will be safe...

Brian King said...

I hope you're spared any damage even though your color is probably going to be gone for the year. Those are beautiful photos! Let us know what happens.

Jan said...

All morning I'm been thinking about you, my daughter in NC and my friend Becky in upper NY. I know you all will come out fine, but it's worrisome. Thanks for the gorgeous photos and take care.

don said...

These are fine autumn-type pictures. I like the old bench too. I keep hoping the tropical storm will turn away and the cold front arrive before the tropical one arrives. Anyway, all the best and I'll keep you in mind and prayers.

Anonymous said...

The pictures are beautiful. We've already passed our prime for fall color. I do hope you stay safe. It used to be weather other than here didn't phase me. Now I immediately start thinking of which blogging buddies are in the line of the storm. We will certainly be thinking of you.

Dianne said...

I am so glad I went out a lot this week and drove high and low looking for foliage to shoot

the trees will be bare after Sandy moves thru

we're in central NJ a few miles in from the shore

stay safe

Anonymous said...

NO, I can't believe the nerve... HOW RUDE! Fall doesn't last long enough to begin w/, much less when a Frankenstorm blows thru & messes it all up!

Those sure are beautiful colors =)

The Cranky said...

I hope everyone remains safe and that this Frankenstorm turns out to be just a bunch of, well, hot air.

Warm thoughts and prayers being sent out to everyone in the affected areas.

Lisa Sall - Sall's Country Life said...

Gorgeous photos!! Stay safe. Maybe Sandy will fizzle? We'll be praying for you.

Pamela Gordon said...

This storm is supposed to come to our area as well in the Maritimes of Eastern Canada but should be a lot weaker by then. I pray it won't be as severe as they make it sound and that there will be little or no damage. Take care. God bless! Pamela

Revrunner said...

Got out and took some photographs of the falls leaves today so that I can enjoy them again when power is restored after Frankenstorm. :-)

Enjoy your P&J sandwiches by candlelight!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

These photos are so beautiful. It's too bad that all those leaves will be blown away soon. I hope the storm turns out to be less severe than they say. I will be praying you will be safe.

DawnTreader said...

Hope the storm won't hit you too bad. Sounds likely it will take the leaves off the trees though... Most of ours here have dropped to the ground in the last few days, if not by wind then by sheer cold.

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Gorgeous pictures! And I know what you mean about Sandy. If the track slides north, she'll make landfall in CT. We're all watching and waiting. Ugh.

Sherry said...

Oh gosh the pictures are beautiful! Do stay safe during the storm and take care.

Anonymous said...

Keep us posted when you're able... I've been watching The Weather Channel all morning... Did you hear about the 7.7 earthquake north of Seattle, Wa? I haven't heard about any injuries, so that's good... Be careful & GOD bless! =)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

It's already been windy here in CT TODAY and it's not even close!!!...:)JP

Faye said...

I've been thinking about you and other friends in the path of Sandy these past few days, Janis. How smart to batten down the hatches and plan as best you can. Hope the mild weather holds.

Glad you had time to get out and capture some autumn memories. I especially love your second photo. Water and fall foliage--a magic combination!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh my- that second shot just blew me away! Gorgeous...
Stay safe!

Pix at Under the Oaks said...

Hope you are safe there! You are in our prayers. Sorry about those leaves. You have some beautiful Fall images. PB&J can get you thru most anything.. :) Take care!

Leave It To Davis said...

Great pictures. I haven't seen any news all weekend so I don't know if the Frankenstorm has come ashore or not....I hope it fools everyone and heads back out to the ocean! You will be in my prayers!

Candy C. said...

You guys stay safe, you hear!!

Tracy said...

great shots to remember fall by.

Kathy said...

All I can say is Wow! These are incredible shots of fall color. I looked back through my last year's photos and our fall color actually didn't peak until December 17! I hope they're not that late this year because I'm getting pretty anxious!

Anonymous said...

I pray you and yours stay out of harms way, Janis. You captured Autumns beauty while it was at its peak.

Sandy was kind to Fl, then headed straight to the town I was born in on the Jersey shore where all our family lives. They are all safe but have no electric.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I do hope you are OK. Be safe. I am assuming you lost power so enjoy those sandwiches. Hug B

Ramona said...

Oh Jan, I hope you are safe and that you and yours came to no harm or loss. We've been watching it from down under and we amazed at its size. My prayers are with you, Hugs

Anonymous said...

Your photos are lovely! I hope Sandy didn't strip them of their leaves so soon.

Liz said...

Oh wow!!! What gorgeous colour and what a shame it was all blown away! I love that bench over looking the water... beautiful!

Nancy said...

You really captured the calm before the storm...beautiful! Thanks for these great shots, they really capture autumn. Blessings, Nancy