Monday, October 24, 2011

Quotography ~ Texture

                                    Little moments can have a feeling and a texture that is very real

                                     to see and read more great quotes just click the pic below

                                                                                  Quotography at {My} Perspective


Roan said...

The quote works well with this texture filled shot. Beautiful butterfly.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

really pretty b fly and perfect camouflage by God, plus the addition of your talent with the camera.

penny said...

Hi Janis, they go together like two peas in a pod.


Hootin Anni said...

Pretty moth....and your choice of quote is perfect.

Also...LOVE your weekend reflections photo share. Now THAT would make a great jigsaw puzzle.

Regarding your not being able to leave a comment through your google account. I had that problem also a while back and was advised to get and install CCleaner. It's a free software and once I used it to clean out my cache and cookies for ALL browsers [Firefox and Chrome and IE]...I then rebooted the computer, logged in to my Blogger account and it worked. I can now leave comments. Also, each time I log out and shut down the computer, beforehand, I once again use the CCleaner ---getting rid of everything that is useless and not needed for my next online adventure.

Try it.

Thanks for popping by yesterday for my Shadow Shot. Today's post is:

Macro Halloween Candle Holder...Eerie!!


Hootin Anni said...

My was the comment below YOURS that said she couldn't leave a comment thru google. So....dang, ignore all the stuff above regarding CCleaner. roflmao. Typical Monday morning Fatigue. That's my excuse, and I'm stickin' by it.

TexWisGirl said...

lovely and wise.

Carole M. said...

lovely image for Quotations/Textures Jan.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

What a great idea this meme is. I'll keep it in mind for after our roadtrip.

This is an absolutely gorgeous picture. And so true.

Deb said...


Jill G. said...

I didn't look through the other posts until after doing mine- we both found the same amazing quote to use! Lovely image as well:)

Lisa said...

There is so much texture in this shot! The fact that the moth and flowers are one of the "littler" things in life makes it perfect.