Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day

Since it's Independence day...I thought a post about Gettysburg would be appropriate!  May we never forget the blood that was spilled for the freedom that this country enjoys and Yes...sometimes take for granted! The Civic war was one of the bloodiest battles fought on American soil! This is for all you history buffs out there...if you ever get to this neck of the woods...I highly recommend you stop by Historic Gettysburg!
Devils Den

                                                                       Memorial Wall


Lois Evensen said...

What an excellent topic for the day. Happy Independence Day to you, too!

TexWisGirl said...

i wish today's political parties would remember to work together instead of battle against one another so fervently...

thanks for this post.

Roan said...

The perfect post for today. Loved this post!

Tammy said...

Perfect post for today! Love the shot of the cannons.

Les Barr said...

This was a real nice Post about the History of our Country.

I've been to Gettysburg 2 times in the past and still have not gotten to see everything that is there. I'm always ready to snoop around where History was made. I should go back there and see more. We did take a Ghost Tour while there the last time. It was very interesting to be told about happenings around the Battlefield that can't be explained.

Thanks for the Post

EG CameraGirl said...

It was at Gettysburg many years ago that I realized how terrible war is. It looked so serene yet was a place where brother fought brother. It really touched my soul.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Great post (even of course after the 4th)....I have similar pictures in my files from our visit, but yours are so much better!

Living Life said...

I love going to Gettysburg. But I have never been to Devil's Den. Sounds like a possible MC trip to me.