Friday, May 20, 2011

Sky Watch Friday

                                          Go here for more sky shots from all over the world


Tracy said...

Great picture. I love the texture you used for this. Really makes the yellow finches "pop"!

Living Life said...

Cute little finches and a great texture to boot!

TexWisGirl said...

oh those tiny little drops of gold!!! so pretty!

Lisa Sall - Sall's Country Life said...

We are seeing record turnouts of goldfinches at our feeders this spring!! Don't know how much longer we can afford to feed so many of the little yellow buckets of sunshine! Love your photo, I see you've been having some fun with textures! Great job!

Jan said...

Great photo for SWF, love, love the sky.

Thena said...

Great picture, as always.

Chubskulit Rose said...


My Skywatch, enjoy your weekend!

Lew said...

Great shots of the birds with blue sky!

Lyndsey ~Aqua Sunday~ said...

Beautiful photo, it almost looks like a painting. The colors are fantastic. I miss seeing the gold finches at the feeder, we don't see them here in Florida.

Tammy said...

That texture really looks great on the sky!

Becky said...

You gotta love those blue skies! Something we have far too few of.