Monday, November 1, 2010

Thoughts about America

Our hostess this month is Julie and since Tuesday is election day She wants to know your opinions. I want to
know what you think about the state of our country. Or, is there a particular issue being voted on that you feel strongly about? What are your thoughts? Keep in mind, I don't want to know whether you are a Democrat or a Republican. I am just curious as to what is going through your mind.

Well Julie, you asked for it!!!  I don't think I am alone in my opinion either!  Here goes....I can tell you in three words...disgusted, confused and disillusioned..Every Election is nothing but mud slinging. Its all about the party lines and not about whats good for our Country. All the money that is spent on campaigning could be used in so many good ways instead of advertising.  It makes me sick! This Country is in a downward spiral  it makes me so sad for the younger generations. The loss of morals and values is contributing to this whole mess. Yes I will exercise my right to vote on Tuesday, its my civic duty, but to be honest I really don't like any of the candidates. Whats a voter to do!!!!
Now go click on Julies blog to see what the others  have to say about this subject!


Sandy said...

Wow, how do you really feel? Just kidding! You're right about the advertising money though. It's obscene.

Jill said...


joanygee said...

You said it! And your words strike a chord with how I feel about politicians over here.
Your image of Fall colours is absolutely gorgeous, sunning Autumn foliage...thanks for sharing.

SouthernSass said...

Well said! I do worry about the state of country - definitely in a downward spiral. GOD BLESS THE USA!

Living Life said...

My thoughts exactly! Still proud to be an American, as long as we remain a FREE country.

Jenni said...

My feelings exactly, and, yet, I used far too many words to say it. Another thing that gets me besides the amount used in campaigning is that the President spends his time campaigning for his party and then the day after elections begins his effort to get re-elected. Hello! Don't you work for us? Get to it then!

Faye said...

I read somewhere that it takes a special brand of egotistical thinking for someone to become a politician. I agree with you, we don't get public servants any more, but self seekers who think only of their own interests and ambitions. In short, I don't drink their Kool-aid whether in a donkey or elephant mug. Tomorrow I'll vote and just hope that I choose the lesser of two evils.

My post will be up later today--moving slowly this Monday!

Julie said...

YES!! I love it! I did ask for it! I think more people should say how they feel!

I agree, the advertising money spent is ridiculous. And no one believes the ads anyway. I get so tired of the mudslinging.

Our country is in trouble, I agree. But I am still proud to be an American, just like the Church Lady said, as long as we remain FREE.

Unknown said...

I'm feeling much like you. But what a serious topic for Fun Monday, what happened to it only being fun and games?! Would hate to be opening that bag.

ari_1965 said...

I get impatient with the flag-waving by local candidates at this time. I want to say to candidates: Don't tear up on camera as you tell me how much you value U.S. soldiers serving overseas. Instead, tell me how you plan to chip away at local problems of school funding, infrastructure repair, etc. It's so hard to get local candidates to be specific about local problems. Also, just once, I would like to hear a local candidate say that he/she intends to continue the good work done by previous office holders, with a tweak here and there. It's like they all think they can't get elected unless they proclaim the last person was an idiot and completely new ideas are needed all-round. It's like we reinvent the wheel all the time.

Okay, that's enough. Thank you for letting me rant a bit. :) I do know that I'm very lucky compared to many other people in the world--no one will threaten me tomorrow on the way to the polls. I don't risk my life when I go to vote.

Teri said...

I totally agree with you!

Stefanie said...

I agree!!! Say it like it is.

Dimple said...

I have no faith in the political process. The majority votes in what seems best, and it comes back to bite us, every time. Bleh!

Qtswede said...

Amen, lady!
in other news, I love the round barn post ... we have several near where we live, and one is even a winery ;) fun times ... fun times.

Pamela said...

glad ugly Tuesday is over