Sunday, October 10, 2010

Whats on your Fridge...FM


Our fun Monday challenge this week is...whats on your Fridge!!! show us and tell us about it!

I think I have a typical fridge...with family photos, dates of events and toys for toddlers. My three year old grand daughter loves playing with the magnet toy. I used to have one whole side of magnets that I have collected from places I have visited, but I just took them down, it was getting too cluttered looking.
come on over here to see more Fun Monday stories...Thanks Faye for hosting once again, your a Doll!


Sayre said...

Wow... yours looks so neat and orderly compared to mine! I actually prefer to have less stuff on mine, but I get overruled constantly on that one. I did finally manage to get the plastic roller ball game off the side though!

Faye said...

Great idea to have some toddler toys at munchkin level. If I were as good a photographer as you are Janis, my fridge would be plastered with an ever ending display. I agree with you about the magnets. My sister loves them and I always hate to clean her fridge door.

Hope you enjoy your mini vacation.

Living Life said...

Like mother like daughter. We have many of the same things on our fridges. Only I don't have toddler toys anymore. The magnetic alphabets left the fridge a long time ago!

Jill said...

Mine is so messy! Love the fridge toy for the grandkid!

~sWaMpY~ said...

Love the new look over here. It's been forever since I went blog-hopping ! Great header shot.
Anywhoo, just wanted to say hello and wish you a good week.

Peter said...

Apart from the photos (which I have on a cork board) your fridge looks nearly as boring as mine.

Pamela said...

all of my magnets have been strewn around the house by my 16 month old granddaughter.

She's a little pepper pot.

Yours looks so neat and tidy~

SouthernSass said...

Great uncluttered fridge!

Anonymous said...

My refrigerator looks similar to yours! It's fun to see..