Monday, October 25, 2010

Halloween Memories

Photos from the year 2007 n 2009

This weeks Fun Monday is all about Halloween. Let's celebrate Halloween and the pleasures of dressing up by sharing costumes. If you are going to a Halloween--or other costume--party, who would you like to be? I hear Lady Gaga is a front runner this year. Now don't hesitate to play because you're not partying this year. If you were going to dress up, who or what would you be? Or, if you want to share photos of your resident small goblins, that's great too!

Well to me Halloween is all about having fun.  I am not going to a costume party this year so I am sharing some past Halloween memories with you.  The township that I live in allows trick or treating on the tuesday before Halloween every year.  Our tradition is that all four of the grans and sometimes their friends come over our house, we eat a fast dinner, the kids get dressed and out they go to beg for the treats. They can be out from 6pm-8pm, then they come back to the house, dump their goodies on the floor for inspection, then proceed to trade candy with each other. Its always so much fun to see the excitment on the kids faces.. Our local fire department comes around on the big fire engine and hands out candy and the local police rides around and hands out glow sticks. Even if its raining the show still goes on. Nothing can stop these little goblins from getting their treats.  Our two oldest  grans are now 14 n 12, they plan on going out this year, but it may be the last year for the oldest one. At least the two youngest ones (6 & 3) have many more years for this fun time.
Thanks to our hostess Faye for giving us this challenge.  For more Fun Monday stories n photos go here!


Sayre said...

What an interesting tradition, doing it the Tuesday before! Why did that start?

I like when the local police and firefighters have such a presence during Halloween. I imagine it cuts down on the trouble that sometimes comes with the holiday.

Love the costumes!

joanygee said...

It looks good well-organised and supervised fun. Thanks for sharing.

Tracy said...

looking forward to tomorrow night's festivities. Please, no rain or wind.

Living Life said...

Looks like it is going to be a mild evening. Yay! Looking forward to it!!! It is always a fun time!

Julie said...

I love the photos!

Why did they start doing everything the Tuesday before? Very interesting.

Hope you guys have a ton of fun tomorrow night.

Next week we start discussing Thanksgiving meals. Traditional or not-so-traditional. Hope you play along!

Faye said...

What a great tradition to get going, Janis. And smart grand to make HER house the final treat destination. How many fun sizers are the grankids willing to share? Your community seems to have the whole thing organized--we're pretty hit and miss.

I think I recognize CL's girls. If so, my how they've grown.

ari_1965 said...

I want a glow stick!

Roan said...

Is there anything more fun that watching the kids get ready for Halloween? I don't think so. Cute!

Jill said...

Sounds like a good plan. It's hard in most communities because no one ever knows which day to go.