Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bad Moon Rising


SouthernSass said...

Great shots of the moon! That moon and sky would be fitting for Halloween!

Tracy said...

My thoughts exactly SouthernSass!

Living Life said...

What an eery looking sky! I see you have really been getting alot of use out of your tripod!

maryt/theteach said...

Wow, Janis, that sure does look like bad weather is on the way! :)

DoanLegacy said...

Wow..unbelievably awesome shots..

LV said...

Those are very interesting shots you featured today. They look like they are getting ready for the spooks.

Faye said...

Was this taken last Wed-Thurs, Janis? My efforts to capture the Harvest Moon was pitiful. Yours, on the other hand, are frame worthy.

Mike B. @ said...

Nice shot- I usually have a hard time getting shots of the moon.