Thursday, January 7, 2010

Stay Warm

With all this nasty cold weather we have been is a little something to warm you up a bit!


Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

You are just bragging ;0) Beautiful picture Aunt J!

Thena said...

I was just thinking today I wondered if ya'll had made it to Georgia yet. And tease you about bringing the cold weather with ya'll. It seems to be hanging around longer than normal this time. Atlanta is even having snow. Makayla is hoping so badly it will make it to us. I hope so for her sake because she has never seen any.

Living Life said...

Thanks. Although your weather in GA is not much warmer than here. Hope it warms up soon for all of us!

Ingrid said...

Good tip ! here too it's freezing cold. Beautiful picture !

Tracy said...

Ahhh...that does warm my soul. Great picture.

Pamela said...

I thought that was a bird on the edge - and clicked on the photo.
2 people. My eyes are getting bad... whew.

it is beautiful.