Monday, November 23, 2009

Counting our Blessings


Our wonderful hostess this week is none other then our friend Wendy, here is her challenge...

This week I thought we could consider Thanksgiving Day which will be the following Thursday in the USA. Though I know a lot of us aren’t in the US so don’t celebrate this, it might be nice to share some of the things we are thankful for in our lives.

As I count my blessings..I realize that I have so many in my life and I want to try to keep it short and sweet so here is my short list...

First of all I am so Thankful to be living in a beautiful house in a neighborhood where the neighbors are friendly, kind and caring.

I am Thankful to have such a wonderful Hubby, who is willing to watch the Disney channel when we Babysit for the little ones. And is very considerate of me.
The Lord has blessed me with two loving n caring daughters and good friends who love to come to my home for tea parties!

And last but not least...the blessings of four beautiful grandaugthers, who give me so much Joy in my life.

Thanks for hosting this week Wendy!


wendishness said...

Janis, your home is gorgeous!! So are your family though!! Great things to be thankful for, it's hard to keep the list short I know. Thanks for playing :)

Anonymous said...

What a lovely family! And it's always wonderful to have a place called home. Have a beautiful Thanksgiving.

John Atkinson said...

Janis, your home is beautiful along with your family and friends. I feel the same way about Thanksgiving. I am so fortunate to have Renee, three girls and five grandchildren who love their grandparents.

Jill said...

Your house is so pretty! We are working on a new home, well, getting one anyway, and it's nice you have such a large support group and family to be thankful for. That type of blessing is the best to have! I signed up late, please drop by and visit, and if you have a couple of seconds, scroll to the post below and vote on my project!

Jill said...

Tracy said...

Our lives are all blessed in so many ways. You are very fortunate.

Living Life said...

Nice photos of the blessings in your life. We are very fortunate.

Sayre said...

Beautiful house, beautiful family. You really do have much to be thankful for.

Faye said...

Oh, I should have added my home also,Janis. It truly is my shelter and the place where I most want to be. Your home is beautiful--if you were my neighbor you'd want me to be getting at those leaves that I still need to rake--this afternoon after Fun Monday posting. :-)

I have been enjoying the wonderful photos of your grandchildren over on Church Lady's blog. She's looking wonderful. And the grandgirls are just so cute--new braces and all. I also appreciate seeing those photos of your granddog Cooper helping with leaf raking. Have a great Thanksgiving Day, Janis. And I'm thankful to have you as a blog friend.

Pamela said...

awwwww... sweet enough to give me a sugar fix!

karisma said...

Lovely! Home, hubby, daughters and grand daughters. I am thankful for all that too! Except I am waiting on the grand daughters! LOL! One day I hope! Hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving!

Many blessings xoxox

m (the misanthrope) said...

Hello my friend! I have missed FM so much!

Beautiful post. You have so much to be thankful for! And I also have so much to be thankful for...because I can count you and the wonderful Church Lady among my bloggy friends. (And I don't know your other lovely daughter, but I am sure she is just as fabulous!)

Off to sound off on your post re. Pap tests - I've been mentally writing a post about this but haven't gotten to write it up yet. I'm hopping mad though.

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

You are one of the winners of my photo editing giveaway! Send me 5 full resolution pictures via email and I will edit them!


Ingrid said...

Your house looks really nice and looking at you gathered around the table, reminds me so much my American aunt (my mother's sister had married an American) and I was very often there.

LadyStyx said...

Lovely things to be thankful for!