Monday, October 5, 2009

What I Love About Fall


Hoosier Girl asks us to do this fun challenge for this weeks Fun Monday...
Show us or tell us what you love about fall - images, smells, sights, activities.

Wow, what don't I love about fall...nothing like the cool fresh clean air, the smell of smoke from a fire in a fireplace, the beautiful color of the leaves on the trees, pumpkins, mums, apples and pies, halloween and trick or treat, tea parties with friends. I simply love everything about fall! One of my very favorite things to do is decorate inside and out for the season. Also at this time of year, I love to host a tea party for my friends and family. View the slide show below to see some of my fall favorites. Thanks to Hoosier Girl for hosting this week.


m (the misanthrope) said...

Great pics, my friend! *sigh* OK, OK, maybe there ARE some good things about fall *giggle* (Actually, my problem is not with fall itself, but with its status as the forerunner of the dreaded winter. So there. I guess it's a don't-shoot-the-messenger kind of thing!)

By the way, j'adore the way your blog header changes with the seasons! Happy FM to you!

Jill said...

ooh I need to get my decorations out!

Faye said...

When I saw your new fall blog header I thought it probably would be your own handiwork, Janis. Now I'm sure. Of all your fall decorations I love that sandstone footed bowl with the small gourds--lovely. As you say, fall is a great time for cozy indoor activities, like scrapbooking. which I don't do, but look forward to my Geek Squad friend's new projects. Do you do both digital and the old-fashioned kind? One of our malls has a special scrapbooking store called Archives or something like that. I go in there and wish I could join you scrapbookers in the fun!

Sayre said...

Love the decorations! We don't do that for fall here (as there really isn't much fall), but we do that for Christmas.

Your fall list is much like mine!

Ingrid said...

Fall is not my favourite season at all ! It's getting cold, wet the days become shorter and shorter, I prefer spring by far ! The only nice thing is now the orange color decorations and the pumpkins !

Living Life said...

Ditto.... love the Fall slideshow! Happy FM!

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Great slideshow! I love tea parties! Woot!

wendishness said...

Pretty slide you know, I have never carved a pumpkin :( Apparently we don't get the right pumpkins here in Australia to be able to do it!!

Jodi said...

I LOVE the slide show! Very techie!


Ingrid said...

Thanks for your comment !
Lucky you escaping fall and winter for 3 months ! I also found a solution, the worst month for me is November so each year I am going for two weeks to the red sea in Egypt, there it is warm and sunny and never rains. After 2 weeks I am ready for Christmas, lol !

Brother Dave said...

Ah, yes… the smell of smoke from a fireplace is nice. One more thing for me to enjoy about Autumn.