Gattina our Belgium friend is hosting this week and here is her challenge.....
What are you wearing when you get out of your bed on a Sunday morning. Of course I want to see a picture of what you wear, with you inside or out.
Well my friend...I could not show you what I wear when I get out of bed because we would be arrested for nudity. But...I can show you what I put on as soon as I get up.

This photo pretty much shows what I put on in the winter months, only its two piece...a sweat shirt and sweat pants. If I have to run out to get the paper or to the mail box in the morning..I appear to be dressed. Sometimes if I am not going anywhere during the day, I will keep this on, its so comfy and warm. Gotta go now and see what everyone else is wearing. Thanks for hosting Gattina.
Gotta love Maxine! Yep, me too. I throw on my sweats every morning! After my first cup of coffee, I get dressed.
Hahaha ! that's funny ! I don't know but I think I didn't write correctly what I wanted, it was what you wear AFTER you got out of your bed to prepare coffee, or go to the mail box etc. so your post is completely right
I have something like that. I took it from my late sisters closet -- sort of to remember her by.
I've worn it a few times - but it is itchy. But it still is in my closet.
I don't have anything else physcially I can touch when I think about her
hahaha nice one! Sweats are good, and as you say you 'appear' to be dressed at least!
I can't sleep naked... I need at least a nightgown or a t-shirt. Mostly because I don't like covers. My feet must be free!!!
You can't beat sweatpants and a sweatshirt on a chilly morning, though!
Maxine speaks for all of us women of a certain age, doesn't she? Thanks for a good afternoon giggle, Janis! Since retiring I've figured out that you have to be strategic or else you're changing clothes all day long. So each day I try to figure out what I can do in my jimjams and put off getting dressed as long as possible. I see you have those same issues.
Same here. All I put on in the winter are my slippers and a nice zipperfront robe.
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