Monday, October 26, 2009

What are You Wearing


Gattina our Belgium friend is hosting this week and here is her challenge.....
What are you wearing when you get out of your bed on a Sunday morning. Of course I want to see a picture of what you wear, with you inside or out.

Well my friend...I could not show you what I wear when I get out of bed because we would be arrested for nudity. But...I can show you what I put on as soon as I get up.

This photo pretty much shows what I put on in the winter months, only its two piece...a sweat shirt and sweat pants. If I have to run out to get the paper or to the mail box in the morning..I appear to be dressed. Sometimes if I am not going anywhere during the day, I will keep this on, its so comfy and warm. Gotta go now and see what everyone else is wearing. Thanks for hosting Gattina.


Living Life said...

Gotta love Maxine! Yep, me too. I throw on my sweats every morning! After my first cup of coffee, I get dressed.

Ingrid said...

Hahaha ! that's funny ! I don't know but I think I didn't write correctly what I wanted, it was what you wear AFTER you got out of your bed to prepare coffee, or go to the mail box etc. so your post is completely right

Pamela said...

I have something like that. I took it from my late sisters closet -- sort of to remember her by.

I've worn it a few times - but it is itchy. But it still is in my closet.

I don't have anything else physcially I can touch when I think about her

wendishness said...

hahaha nice one! Sweats are good, and as you say you 'appear' to be dressed at least!

Sayre said...

I can't sleep naked... I need at least a nightgown or a t-shirt. Mostly because I don't like covers. My feet must be free!!!

You can't beat sweatpants and a sweatshirt on a chilly morning, though!

Faye said...

Maxine speaks for all of us women of a certain age, doesn't she? Thanks for a good afternoon giggle, Janis! Since retiring I've figured out that you have to be strategic or else you're changing clothes all day long. So each day I try to figure out what I can do in my jimjams and put off getting dressed as long as possible. I see you have those same issues.

LadyStyx said...

Same here. All I put on in the winter are my slippers and a nice zipperfront robe.