Thursday, October 29, 2009


Halloween is a big deal here in Hanover Pa. People decorate with pumpkins, ghosts and witches and lots of other scary stuff.
Our church kicked off the festivities with a costume skating party on Sunday evening. Check out the many faces of the Church lady!

On Tuesday our township has trick or treat nite for the kids. Check out Roxy the biker chic, complete with red wig and leather jacket, does she look familiar? Her friend Deanna is a die hard Ravens Fan.

Casey was a cute Bumble Bee, Katie was a nurse, Samantha was a Reeses cup and Carley was GI Jane.

Click to enlarge so you can read the back of the Resses cup, too funny. Very creative!

After trick or treating in the drizzly wet night for about an hour, the girls came back with their bounty. They proceed to dump and trade.
Not a bad take for only an hours work!

Saturday, we are going to a Halloween party hosted by that party girl "The Church Lady," I can't wait to see what she dresses as that nite. We have our costumes all ready...sorry..can't reveal what they are..stay tuned next week for a complete report of the fun filled night. :)


Living Life said...

As always, a very enjoyable evening! Halloween in PA is fun, fun, fun! Thanks for hosting the trick or treat gathering!

Thena said...

Great pics. One hour and got all that candy. They did good!! Can't wait to see the pics next week.

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

So much fun. I wish I liked getting dressed up...I don't :0(

Anonymous said...

Great costumes. Great candy. Great fun.
Excuse me while I go eat the rest of our trick or treat candy.

Ingrid said...

For the first time here in Waterloo, kids were on the street for trick & treats. this custom has moved in slowly slowly here too. The costumes look almost the same, lol when I compare to what I have seen. There are some pictures on my blog today.