Sandy is our fun hostess for this week and she wants us to share some bad hair stories.
My first bad hair story takes place about 25 years ago. My hair is very fine and has no body what so ever...so After years of having to mess with rollers in my hair and teasing it for body, I had enough and I got me a perm.....Well this is the first time I cried over my hair!!!! It was so frizzy and curly I looked like I stuck my finger in a light socket! Now this was right around the time when curling irons were becoming popular(thank God) this is what saved me. I thought I could just wash my hair, air dry and be on my way...NOT! it took the curling iron to tame it down. I have since learned when I get perms to have them roll it with larger rollers so I don't wind up looking like George Washington!

My frizzy mess

After many years of perms...I decided to just let my hair be short and straight...this is the second time I cried over my hair! I must have gotten a girl right out of beauty school...she whacked my hair bad......my usual is to get 1/2 inch cut every 4 weeks...my hair grows fairly fast..when I got home and really took a close look, it was sticking straight up in the back at the crown of my head...I looked like a rooster. Well my good old curling iron came to the rescue once again. I was able to bend it a little and comb it over to the side and blend it in with the rest of my hair. After about two weeks of growth it finally laid flat.
Let me outta here

Yikes! I know what you mean about perms! I had hoped it would be a wash and go kind of style, too... only... not. All I wanted was loose curls and some body, but it didn't work the way I had wished.
Hello my friend! I'm a FM slacker again but I LOVE your story! And the accompanying pics!! HEE!! I could tell a very similar one actually...wish I hadn't missed the FM boat.
And great weekend post too! This past weekend was hideous, wasn't it? I had a doctor's appointment on Sat or I wouldn't have budged out of the house. Sunday was sacred to football of course ;-)
Ouch...they both sound like nightmares, good old hair tools though saved the day thankfully!
Glad I have never had to endure the perms. Guess I got Dad's hair gene! Love your accompanying pics!
Yep! Thank goodness for curling irons--they work great for softening short hair so you don't look like a no nonsense old lady. Don't know about you Janis, but I still care about hair, even as a senior citizen retiree. Somewhere back in history a hairstylist taught me to use a curling iron to get those soft natural bends in your hair like the great Farrah F.Still works when I take the time to do it right.
Hahaha ! I too had once a perm and looked like a curly sheep ! awful. Now I have a very nice hairdresser an Italian girl who cuts my hair very well. At least I feel good and that's important !
I won't have a perm because of that very reason.
Every photo of my mom and grandma shows me where my hair problems originated. Genes. sigh.
Every so often I see an older woman with gorgeous hair and I hide under my hat.
Oh Jan!! At least my mop prevented me from ever venturing into perm Hades!!
Arrggh! How maddening! I'm glad the perm days are over, too. If you see someone with really great curly or wavy hair, it's for real. You can't duplicate that.
Why do we always try to make our hair do or be something it isn't? Another reason to keep the color in as it adds body. (I'm actually having a bad hair day today, but I'm not going anywhere, so...)
The only thing worse than the frizzy perm was the permed mullet!
Thanks for playing today.
When I had a perm, it really looked awful, but it actually gave me something to work with since it gave my hair body - something it lacked in its natural state. Of course, then I had to mess with it, which is something I don't do well - so I let it look however it looked and when it grew out enough, I cut the perm out and started over.
There should be a warning for stuff like that.
Is that really a picture of your hair? That's funny. I'm in the same boat as you and I guess I have you to thank for it. Thanks Mom!!
My hair's very fine...just lots and lots of it. This one time, this older lady thought it would be great to tease my hair. I told her not to that it would take forever to get it combed, but tease it she did. Soon as I got home...I combed it out. It took me 3 HOURS to get all the damned snarls out!!
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