Friday, September 4, 2009

Smell my Candle

Everytime our littlest Gran-daughter comes over she always want to smell this candle we have on our breakfast bar. It's cranberry pomagranate and it does smell very good. Yesterday she was sniffing it and said..."I want to lick it" now she must think it smells good enough to eat. It just stikes me funny, and I am she getting a rush or something. I remember how I loved to smell crayons, paste and magic markers when I was a kid. Guess it falls under the same category.


Living Life said...

Maybe her mom should purchase some pomegranite juice for her to try.

John Atkinson said...

Janis, I remember craving the smell of linseed oil. My father used linseed oil in window glazing. If I could have gotten my hands on the putty I would have taken a bite. Today it's cinnamon. Oh, my, I think I'll fix cinnamon toast this morning.

m (the misanthrope) said...

Mmmm...cranberry...*drool* I swear between you and Church Lady, you have reminded me of so many wonderful foods that I have drooled on more keyboards than ever before ;-) Have a safe and happy holiday weekend!

Anonymous said...

Look at those big blue eyes ! Beautiful child !
And yes, I agree. There are those candles that taste good enough to lick. You just have to be careful of the flame.

Tracy said...

She must get it from her Daddy. He likes to smell the insides of new sneakers.

The Freedom Writer said...

I know the crabs smelled good! Thanks GJ and Jer the crabs were awesom!