Our UK friend ms cellania is our fun hostess for this week and here is her very interesting topic
Here in the UK we are being encouraged to stop using plastic bags so for the last couple of years I have been developing my shopping bag collection.So 'what type of shopping bag do you favour'-plastic or material? How many do you use. You could even show us what's in your bag!
Here in the U.S.A. plastic is still the # 1 bag that is used for items. Twenty five years ago, the main bag was paper. That was my preferred choice, you can put more groceries in one paper bag then you can in one plastic. I worked in a food store for 13 years and remember when they stopped using paper and went to plastic. The reason to stop using paper was "To save trees". Now all these years later, they are finding out that was a bad idea. We now have so many plastic bags that are not bio degradable,and they will be around for another 100 years. So now the big thing is "Go Green" and use cloth bags that can be reused. Something like the UK is doing. I have a little attitude about this...because I resented being forced to use plastic instead of paper and now they want me to buy my own bags and reuse them. Now I am all for saving our environment...but if they want me to use another kind of bag....they should supply me with it at no extra charge! Who's getting rich here??? Now go read some more stories about shopping bags. Thanks for hosting Chris.
Plastic or Paper???
I know what you are saying, to be fair, here some of the main stores did give away 'plastic bags' to be reused, before they started charging for them. Paper bags are now being used in lots of the clothes stores.
I agree with you Mom. Don't know that I will ever catch the fabric bag fever because of my plastic bag convenience addiction, that is until the fabric reusable bags are forced by our Government.
Hello my friend! Very good point about the paper-to-plastic change. I actually ask for paper bags now, because that's the only way our county will accept paper recyclables - in a paper bag!
And I also was of 2 minds about paying to buy a reusable bag. To be quite honest, laziness played a big role. I hate hauling all those plastic bags back to the store for recycling (our county doesn't accept them) and so the reusables, plus the odd paper bags when needed, have worked out better for me. But as I told Church Lady - to each her own!
Pssst...PS...by the way...happy birthday! Blame Church Lady, she blew your cover *giggle* Congrats on your birthday AND blogoversary! Here's to many, many more of each!
I hated seeing paper bags go, and hate the waste of plastic bags anymore. I posted on someone else's site, that we're lowering our use of paper towels to basically when we move and clean things (because they will biodegrade and won't leave laundry like a regular rag would on move out week!) we'd like to get cloth napkins, although need a nice fabric, and already use cloth diapers (although not wipes, not sure why) for the little one, so, we're trying to do our part. I love my fabric bag but need some more.
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!
I have purchased two fabric bags and they work great. They're big and durable. I don't worry about my groceries being too heavy and ripping the bag. I've also noticed that stores in the malls have started using the fabric bags and will give discounts if you come in their stores with them.
While I hate the plastic bags on principle, I do like that I can carry almost all my groceries into the house in one or two trips. And I do reuse them, so it's not a total waste of resources... However, I am going to make a concerted effort to remember to take in my reusable cloth bags.
Why buy an expensive cloth bag when you can use time and time again your plastic check-out bag? It will fit in your pocket.
The only problem with plastic is that it lasts too long if it gets into the open environment, but the answer is oxo-biodegradable plastic (see www.biodeg.org or d2w.net. It is made from a by-product of oil which used to be wasted, so nobody is importing extra oil to make it.
What I hate about the cloth bags is having to remember to drag the dang things to the store with me!
I was directed her by a little birdy who is crowing to all will can read about your birthday. I hope you have a great one!
First of all: Happy Globoversary !
Second of all: What an awesome Header Photo !
Fourth of all: I forget?
I understand your point, and to a certain extent have to agree with you. I'm a total reusable bag user, but I have a confession to make: it's not because I'm environmentally friendly, I just find them more sturdy, which means I can fit more into them, which in turn means I don't have to carry as many in from the car.
I haven't paid a dime for any of my bags ... otherwise I would probably stay with the plastic because there is no charge.
We always reuse the plastics. They make wonderful liners in the little trash cans in the house. That way we save a bundle on can liners.
I love those paper bags with handles, which I only get at the fruit market. They're great for many re-uses. I haven't gotten on the BYOB bandwagon yet. Feel like I live pretty lightly in other ways. Is this your photography in you fall banner, Janis? It's lovely?
Belated birthday wishes by an hour or so Janis--just saw that the 14th was your special day. Hope you had just the right amount of attention on your day. And chocolate cake--yum!
Also, congratulations on one happy year of blogging--how much our blogging friends add to our lives. I so appreciate all my virtual friends out in the blogosphere, like you!
First you had to get used to the plastic bags and now we are back to grandma's shopping backs again. At least that was my case.
You are right !
ha ha... good for you.
I do use my "green bags' when I remember to get them out of the trunk.
I also re-use my plastic and paper ones for many things.
ps. my grocer has a big bin to recyle the plastics. so I do that too.
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