Monday, September 21, 2009

A Carefree Week


Our Hostess with the most est is Once Again the charming Sayre smiles and here is the question she asks of us.

If you had a WEEK with no obligation and money was no object, what would you do with it?
Boy that is a loaded question! I really had to think about it. There are so many places just here in the U.S. I would love to visit, like the Grand Canyon, Yellow Stone National Park, MT Rushmore, Maine and the California wine country. I decided that a week would not be enough time to visit all those places and really enjoy it. So I picked something I do a lot and love doing it and that is.......SHOPPING! That's right ladies, to shop without looking at the price tags would be a real treat. Since March I have been working very hard to lose weight and as of today I have been successful in losing 13 lbs and two sizes smaller. Therefore I need some new clothes. I would go out to all my favorite clothing stores and buy a new wardrobe, it would be fun to just pick out an item and buy it without worrying about the price. That would include shoes, purses and jewelry to match all outfits. After that I would have to buckle down and start saving for our trip to London England in the spring. Thanks to Sayre once again for hosting. Now go back to the list and see what the others would do with their week.


m (the misanthrope) said...

Woot! Fabulous choices, my friend! I have seen so little of our country, and I've been dying to go see all those National Parks out west. And can I come shopping with you? Hmmm? Congrats on the weight loss - here's to healthy and long lives for all of us!

Mariposa said...

SHOPPING! Wow...I love shopping too!

Hootin Anni said...

You and me!! Now that's the ticket!

Have a great week.

Thena said...

I would take the kids to New York for Christmas. Shop till we dropped, and then shop some more.

Sayre said...

I'm not a shopping kind of gal, but if I'd lost weight and needed new clothes, I would go do that in person!

I did think of plastic surgery as a fantasy for my week, but as much as I'd love a tummy tuck, liposuction and various bits lifted, it's not what I think about all the time. Going back to England and Wales is. And paying the durn bills.

Living Life said...

That would be a tough decision to make. But shopping sounds like a real winner to me too!

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Now that is a fun concept to think about! Good for you losing weight like that. You rock and I can't wait to see the results myself on Friday!

Ingrid said...

I see you badly need new feathers ! but that doesn't take a week ! after shopping you should go to nice expensive places where you can show your new outfits !

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Congratulations on the thirteen pounds! Excellent. Can I go shopping with you? I'm all over a good bargain.

Faye said...

I'm with you on some of your in the U.S. picks to spend a week Janis. Are you going to watch Ken Bunrns' series on the national parks next week? Congratulations on losing 13 lbs. That means one size less at least? Which makes shopping a lot of fun. Who's your favorite outfitter? I love Eileen Fisher? What colors? Causal or dress up?

Pamela said...

I don't like to shop -- but I'd like to shop with you for one week with money no option. yessirree Bob.

BS said...

Great fantasy !

Anonymous said...

Shopping without looking at the price tags! "One of everything, please!"

ChrisB said...

I wish I was strong enough to make myself lose a few pounds, a shopping trip sounds a wonderful reward.
I feel very lucky to have visited the Grand Canyon, a bit of Napa Valley and my retirement gift to myself three yrs ago was a trip to New England, which was beautiful.

Tracy said...

I need to find a sticker to put on your car that reads "I LOVE to Shop!!"

wendishness said...

WTG on the weight loss, I like hearing about people who have had some success as it helps inspire me. Great idea about shopping, so many have been really doing it tough so a blow out is needed!

LadyStyx said...

OOOh! Great idea. Im going shopping with you. Clothes, furniture, electronics...the whole kit n kaboodle.

gracie said...

Congrats on the weight loss! What did you do? I hope you still get to go shopping. grace