Monday, August 17, 2009

Show us your Scars

Hi all, lil mouse here hosting again and this time I’m putting forth an extreme Fun Monday challenge. One totally unexpected and that will force you to put yourself out there. Then again, why are you blogging if not to challenge yourself? This week, I challenge you to show us your scars. Scars can be physical or emotional, they can be a reminder of something good or a warning against repeating past actions. They are often (like most experiences) great teachers. If it’s a physical scar, tell us how you got it, if you learned anything from the experience, and what you think of when you see it. If it’s an emotional scar, how did you come by it and what has it taught you?
I wanted to take a photo of my scar..but its on my knee and hard to get a good angle so I will just have to describe it and you can use your imagination. A long long time ago when I was a little girl of 6 my family went to visit my grandparents. They lived across the street from an elementary school that had a playground. My sister(age 8) and I went to play on the swings. We had the bright idea that I would sit on the swing and she would stand on the same swing and start swinging. In no time at all we were going very high, I got frightened and told her to slow down. As we were coming down, instead of my legs being held straight out, I had them bent under the swing. The seat was low and my knees started to drag on the gravel (that is what they used on playgrounds back then), by the time we finally stopped both of my knees were a bloody mess. Of course I cried because it hurt so bad and after all I was a little girl. My Mom cleaned my knees up and put bandages on them. In a few days I had big scabs and it took a while for them to fall off. When they did, I had this tiny scar that was round and it was black. It was either a cinder or dirt that got trapped under my skin. The years have faded it a lot but you can still see a faint dark mark. Every time I look at it I am reminded about the dangers of swings and how easy accidents can happen. When I take my grand kids to the playground, I am very careful to make sure the swings are high enough and that they hold on tight. So that is my one and only physical scar. Now if my hubby were writing this post he could go on and on because he has so many scars, I think he is accident prone.
Go take a look and see more about scars click here. Thanks for hosting this week Jill.


Living Life said...

I don't recall ever hearing that story, Ma. I will have to take a closer look at your knees next time! Happy FM!

Jill said...

sitting on the handlebars of a bike and riding downhill is also a good way to get a good thump, if not a scar. I know we landed in berry bushes or briars with thorns. ouch! Sounds like a very tame life with only that scar!Maybe my skin is just too thin and it takes all life gives it and doesn't toughen up! thanks for playing!

Faye said...

I can just picture this scene, Janis. One sitting, one standing and both working in tandem, pumping as hard as they can to get the swing going high up in the air. And how tempting to do exactly what you did to stop the swing. You're right, knees are safer these days since playgrounds have mulch or that recycled tire material to keep the landing a bit softer. And then there's always Grand to make double sure that no one gets heurt!:-)

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

I have a gazillion scars! You got off easy, my dear Aunt! ;0) xoxo

Pamela said...

I've had so much gravel torn knees that I forgot about that. My knees were always scabbed over.

My husband is scarred too. Mostly because as he's lost his hair he keeps bumping his bald head into things. It's just the weirdest thing.

Ingrid said...

Wow ! that must have been very painful ! I also fell on my knees but not so badly and I remember that it hurt !!

karisma said...

Ouch! That sounded painful. We don't see so much gravel around these days do we?

Sayre said...

That might be the only scar, but it sure was a doozy!!!

ChrisB said...

Gravel is a devil to remove and so so painful. I recall one of my daughters got stabbed with a pencil and still has a black mark from that.

m (the misanthrope) said...

Oops, I thought I visited yesterday! Sorry. Anyway - wow! Talk about bumps and bruises! "If you fall and break your leg, don't come running to me" - now why is that stuck in my head? *grin*

I've had my share of childhood pratfalls. They teach you lessons about heights and sudden stops, that's for sure! Glad you were OK, and that you learned that lesson ;-)

Hula Girl at Heart said...

My knees are the victims of several childhood scabs...mostly from bicycles. Happy Fun Monday!

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