Faye is our gracious hostess this week and here is her fun challenge...........
--Do you still think of yourself as a student? A lifelong learner?--If so, what would you like to learn? Something job related to improve your work performance? Technology skills to keep up with the modern times? Personal financial management skills? Stress management strategies? Playing bridge? Belly dancing? Writing? Better blogging? Speaking another language? Car maintenance? DIY home improvements? You get the idea--the list of learning options for adults is endless.--Are you currently taking a class or online study? What is this experience like? What are you learning? --If not actually in a class, how do you learn something new? Tutorials on computer or TV? How to books? One on one with an instructor or coach? Practice on your own?
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils."
— Louis-Hector Berlioz
Well Faye, I feel like your never to old to learn. Like my Hubby says.."If your not Growin' your Goin'. Sometimes It feels like I learn something new everyday. Now I am not talking about book learning...I am talking about life lessons. As far as school went... I was not the kid who loved going everyday. To read and comprehend was hard for me, I was and still am a hands on learner. An average student was I, maybe I could have been better if I applied myself, but I was more interested in having fun. My grades were just good enough to get me to the next level. I never failed though and graduated from high school when I was 17. College was never discussed in my family, so my siblings and I were never encouraged to further our education. The plan was...get your HS diploma and go out and work. That is what I did. Here I am many many years later and I am still learning from life. The answer to your "What would you still like to learn" question would have to be...To write better... Since I started this blog last year, something has awakened in me that I never knew existed. I like to write and express myself. My creative juices start to flow and I get excited. Just by starting this blog alone, I have learned so much about the computer and all it can do. Up until last year, I basically used the computer for just email. By blogging, it has also opened my eyes to the beauty around me, I am always looking for photo opps to blog about. I have always been a "shutter bug" but it was mostly photos of people . Now I see nature and all of its glory to photograph. My niece in-law nine acres teaches a photography class and when I can purchase a much better camera, I plan on taking her class. The real student in this family is my hubby Jer...he just finished his second Bachelor of Science (magnum Cum Laude) and is now pursuing his Masters degree. He is doing this for personal satisfaction and not job related, he has been retired for 10 years. Now go see what everyone else is learning click here. Thanks for hosting Faye.

Faye is our gracious hostess this week and here is her fun challenge...........
--Do you still think of yourself as a student? A lifelong learner?--If so, what would you like to learn? Something job related to improve your work performance? Technology skills to keep up with the modern times? Personal financial management skills? Stress management strategies? Playing bridge? Belly dancing? Writing? Better blogging? Speaking another language? Car maintenance? DIY home improvements? You get the idea--the list of learning options for adults is endless.--Are you currently taking a class or online study? What is this experience like? What are you learning? --If not actually in a class, how do you learn something new? Tutorials on computer or TV? How to books? One on one with an instructor or coach? Practice on your own?
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils."
— Louis-Hector Berlioz
Well Faye, I feel like your never to old to learn. Like my Hubby says.."If your not Growin' your Goin'. Sometimes It feels like I learn something new everyday. Now I am not talking about book learning...I am talking about life lessons. As far as school went... I was not the kid who loved going everyday. To read and comprehend was hard for me, I was and still am a hands on learner. An average student was I, maybe I could have been better if I applied myself, but I was more interested in having fun. My grades were just good enough to get me to the next level. I never failed though and graduated from high school when I was 17. College was never discussed in my family, so my siblings and I were never encouraged to further our education. The plan was...get your HS diploma and go out and work. That is what I did. Here I am many many years later and I am still learning from life. The answer to your "What would you still like to learn" question would have to be...To write better... Since I started this blog last year, something has awakened in me that I never knew existed. I like to write and express myself. My creative juices start to flow and I get excited. Just by starting this blog alone, I have learned so much about the computer and all it can do. Up until last year, I basically used the computer for just email. By blogging, it has also opened my eyes to the beauty around me, I am always looking for photo opps to blog about. I have always been a "shutter bug" but it was mostly photos of people . Now I see nature and all of its glory to photograph. My niece in-law nine acres teaches a photography class and when I can purchase a much better camera, I plan on taking her class. The real student in this family is my hubby Jer...he just finished his second Bachelor of Science (magnum Cum Laude) and is now pursuing his Masters degree. He is doing this for personal satisfaction and not job related, he has been retired for 10 years. Now go see what everyone else is learning click here. Thanks for hosting Faye.
I love to photograph too...thing is, I'm still learning that process. For a while there in my lifetime, I would constantly LOSE the camera. Yep, I've even been known to leave it in the rest-stops along the highway and then realize it was still back there...100s of miles down the road. hehehehehe
Great post.
Mine's now published and ready for viewing if you'd like to stop by. Have a great day.
I want to learn digital. Soon I'll be 65. I'm from a generation of kids who pulled two tin cans with a string attached for a toy. Those thing were easy to come by. Coming up on our 40th wedding anniversary I want to go from Virginia to California and blog stops along the way. I have to learn how to send pictures and text messages via cell phone. That's a long ways from tin cans.
Fabulous post, Janis, and terrific quote. Good for you and Jer both, and your lifelong learning! I'm with you - the day we stop learning is the day St. Peter will know to expect us, I think ;-)
I have also learned a lot through blogging - like you, I am constantly on the look-out for something interesting, funny, weird or (boo) sad to blog about. I think blogging makes all of us "reporters", with our own lives as our "beat"! Thanks for sharing and happy FM to you!
Very good... I love what blogging has done for you. Isn't it amazing the different perspective you now have? Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Don't wait to take the class! I only have one or two sessions I will me and we will work something out...
I just got a job consulting and teaching photography in Deep Creek! Woot! ;0)
Take the class (registration open through Oct 7th...only a few spots left) and bring your friends along with you!
I've had a look at the photography course and I must say it looks very interesting, I don't think my point and shoot camera is versatile enough for serious photography (that's what my daughter says).
Photography is one of my study subjects these days, too. I'm seriously addicted to it.
I love taking pictures - but never took a class. Of course, not everything comes out well, so there you go...
Your husband sounds like my brother. He has several masters degrees and is working on a PhD right now.
I need to buy a decent camera, one that doesn't weigh the same as a house brick, as I'm sure I'm missing out on so many photos that I could be taking.
I can tell you enjoy writing and posting pictures on your blog. See how "steping outside the box" can open your world and your mind? This is a great hobby for you to grow with spiritually and mentally.
Sometimes I think how you look at education is a matter of birth order and happenstance. My older sister and brothers didn't finish high school because the school was so far away. Seven years later there was a 1-12 consolodated school and college loans so I kept on going. You're so right about the life lessons though--that's where the true learning takes place.
And I hear you about the satisfactions of blogging. When you think about the amount of writing and design that goes into a 150 posts, it's pretty impressive. I feel pretty good about the writing, but I too want to improve my photography skills. Looked at a digital photography class this fall, but decided to work on my own. Another thing that I love so much about blogging is the chance to interact with good and interesting people all over the USA and other countries.
Kudos to your husband for continuing his studies--much more interesting to hang around with someone who's engaged in the world about rather than spending his days in the bark-a-lounger "driving" the remote? :-)
Love the quote...and especially the song today !
I, too, and taking photography lessons...can't seem to get those F-stops but have found that setting the camera on AUTO works pretty darn well.
I'm going to sign up for next Mon're hosting, right? I'll try to follow the rules, whatever they may be. Have a great week.
I can attest to that blogging has helped me learn a lot, nice post. Thanks for hosting next week, I am looking forward to your post - mamarehema
I love your phraze:"If your not Growin' your Goin'." That's excellent. Great answers!
I too enjoy blogging and taking photos. I think we have both learned alot since inception of our blogs!
All of the above? :)
I need a good camera as well. I love taking pics of the baby but they end up blurry or missing her laugh, even though it was a fairly expensive camera, it's got 'timing' issues. a 35 mm would do better, sheesh. anyway, good for you!
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