Well Gattina, you hit a nerve for me. My Garage is my messy, messy room. My hubby and I butt heads when it comes to keeping it clean. I want to get new enclosed cabinets so we can store things without being seen. He says, this is my space and leave it alone. One day I hope I will win this battle. This is the first thing you see when we pull into our garage and it has become my "pet peeve"
I can't figure out how to make this wall neater. Its filled with the kids toys!
This is our reclyling center, its manadatory in our town. Once again how do I make it look neater??
My Hubs work bench is a catch all. See the ladder on the left side...I want to hang it on hooks and the Hubs just refuses to do it. The floor is so dirty, it needs to be scrubbed out real good, we usually do this every year, just haven't gotten around to it yet. The shelving is unorganized and it drives me crazy. It would be so nice to get storage cabinets with door so the mess will be hidden. We have been doing other projects to our home so the garage is low on the piority list. So there you go....I fess up to my go see everybody elses mess click here!
Gattina our Belgium friend is our fun hostess this week, here's the challenge......
In the last weeks we had quite a lot to write for FUN MONDAY, I thought we should see something for a change.That's why I just want to know what you call a messy place and put a picture of it in your post. It's just to compare, if I am messy ...It can be a room, your basement, the attic, a drawer or whatever, but it has to be messy !Those who are the perfect housewives or men, please leave one room or other place untouched for 24 h !
Well Gattina, you hit a nerve for me. My Garage is my messy, messy room. My hubby and I butt heads when it comes to keeping it clean. I want to get new enclosed cabinets so we can store things without being seen. He says, this is my space and leave it alone. One day I hope I will win this battle. This is the first thing you see when we pull into our garage and it has become my "pet peeve"
Well, Mom....looks like we were thinking alike again. Your garage looks better than mine!
All I can say is pick your battles wisely, after all the garage is one of mans few remaining territories. Tread lightly.
PS-Thanks for the link GJ.
Your joking right? That is far tidier than our garage which is full of motor bikes right now, there is not much room to walk through it!
Looks pretty neat to me I thought garages were places we were allowed to leave messes:)
If you call that a mess, then you are good to go! You should see my unfinished basement!
Compared to mine it looks very neat ! You can't make a living room out of your garage, for once I agree with (your) a man !
So Hubby needs a man cave? :-)
What about his, hers and ours sections in the garage? But there's no getting round the amount of paraphanelia that's necessary to entertain the grands, is there? I'm sure you and Hubby are united in welcoming that "mess" in your home!
If you think that's a mess wait until you see my garage!
You're braver than I am. No WAY would even THINK of posting the messes here!!
I'm wearing the light blue on my fingers right now. I can't reach my toes comfortably to apply polish to them and I refuse to have anyone touching my feet. ;)
Sorry to answer the comment in here but I don't have an addy to comment back via the email.
Your garage looks quite neat and organized... mine looks like a tornado went through it!
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