:0) Too cute. Those aren't yours are they?
The picture is a perfect metaphor about what a teacher taught me. She said, "End of conflict, end of story."Cute picture. Thanks
I don't think I could ever get Kiki to lay on top of Cooper like that!
Oh...how beautiful. What a bunch of cuddly wonderfulness!! Thank you for sharing!
If Dharma did that, she'd smother Katy.
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:0) Too cute. Those aren't yours are they?
The picture is a perfect metaphor about what a teacher taught me. She said, "End of conflict, end of story."
Cute picture. Thanks
I don't think I could ever get Kiki to lay on top of Cooper like that!
Oh...how beautiful. What a bunch of cuddly wonderfulness!! Thank you for sharing!
If Dharma did that, she'd smother Katy.
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