Friday, May 8, 2009

Nest in the Dogwood

Last year a pair of yellow finches build this nest in our dogwood tree. I am just wondering if, they will reuse the same nest this year???
Lately I have seen some finches checking it out. So I am really going to keep an eye out to see if they reclaim this old nest. How do you like my little chickie I imposed onto the nest...cute isnt it! LOL


John Atkinson said...

I think about who taught the finches how to build a nest . . . where do they get the house plans? I think your yellow bird in the tree will have a hard time building a nest. What species is that anyway?

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

You are getting fancy with your computer tricks ;0) We have a nest of bluebirds in our nesting box! Woot!

WillowMoon said...

I love your little yellow bird it is cute. I don't know if finches come back to the same nest they left the year before but if they do that will be cool. I hope you get at least one bird that takes over the nest it is a very nice nest.

m (the misanthrope) said...

Hahaha, how cool! I think that big yellow bird might scare off the finches though. *giggle* Here's hoping for little feathery visitors! And happy Mothers Day to you my friend!

LadyStyx said...

How lucky. When I was living in NY, we had a nesting pair of Bluejays. Lovely birds, noisy neighbors!

Living Life said...

I am telling you, that nest I saw today was NOT as big as the nest in the picture.