Thursday, June 5, 2014

Good Fences # 2

You can always find interesting fences in the Gettysburg Pa. Battlefield. Our photo club just had a photo walk here and this is just one view of the countryside where so many soldiers met their fate.  Such a beautiful scene with a historic background!

to see more good fences please go here


TexWisGirl said...

that's gorgeous!

(i always feel honored when you join in!) :)

Maria Ontiveros said...

It is beautiful. And sooo green.

Amy Burzese said...

Split rail. One of the best fences.

Anonymous said...

Ah Gettysburg. Someday I may make it there.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

This is just about my favorite (wooden) fence. I hope one day to see this battlefield.

21 Wits said...

A most stunning view!

BumbleVee said...

love a seemingly vacant forested area with some fencing almost thrown there ... I'm sure there is a house or barn close by ...but,.... eh...we can dream.....

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Nice to see you again along with the fence, of course!...:)JP

Anonymous said...

It's been such a long time since I've been there. I would love to visit again. That rail fence is wonderful!

eileeninmd said...

Great shot! I have seen the pretty fences around Gettysburg. It is a wonderful park to visit. Have a great evening.

Brian King said...

Beautiful! We have fences like that here in Kentucky.

Ida said...

I had the privilege of visiting Gettysburg many years ago and loved those fences. Thanks for bringing back some great memories.

RobinfromCA said...

I've been to a lot of Civil War sites but never to Gettysburg. What a beautiful photo. I've always wondered why the fences were built in that zig zag style.

marilyn said...

Wonderful photo...I would love a visit there...though it would make me shed tears...

Ramona said...

Gorgeous photo. It's so lovely and green now. I was just the 4 weeks ago, its a beautiful state, PA. I'm really glad I spent time there.

21 Wits said...

Stunning perfection!

don said...

A beautiful landscape with the classic looking zig zag fence. The trees fill the rest of the image with pretty foliage and tall limbs which look great too. A very well done shot.

ellen b. said...

Lovely fence and setting. I just might need to find a photo group that does photo walks in my area! Sounds like fun.

Rose said...

I love the lighting in this...I have heard that you could really feel the historical-ness of this place just by being there.

Anonymous said...

Love the angle you took of the fences and the scenery. I love being country myself all year round living from city.