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Monday, March 18, 2013

Daytona Bike Week...

                                           *For Mature Viewing Only...

Last Thursday I went to Daytona Beach FL to meet up with my two Daughters that flew in so they could drive home to Pa with me on Sunday.  It just so happened to be Bike Week, so of course we had to go n walk among the sea of Leather n Chrome. What a sight to see...some folks just turn it into a Freak show! All over this Beach town the Motorcyles roared up and down the streets.  Main street is a popular hang out...the cycles cruise up and down the street for all to see.  There was a band playing on every corner..along with lots of brewskies. There was even some nudity...and as the day turned into evening I am sure even more nudity occurred after the social lubricate kicked in.  Lots n lots of leather being sold by vendors too!
Here are a few photos of the famous Daytona Bike Week...


  1. that looks like a wild and crazy place to be. :) fun, if you can hang with the tough crowd. :)

  2. Oh my, you sure saw some sights there! That would make me a little nervous being around that crowd even though I know they aren't all bad. Pamela

  3. Some definite fashion statements. Bet it was fun people watching!

  4. Great pics. I didn't see the skull mask wondering around. Very interesting sights.

  5. Sturgis in August is just like this.

    Love your new header, Janice! Spring is not here .... yet.

  6. I hear it's quite the place to be if you are a biker! I like your tulip header too! :)

  7. You got some good shots! I am editing mine and will soon be posting them. I had a blast!!

  8. A walk on the wild side! I see you didn't pass up the cheesecake? :-)

  9. A Florida photo op to beat all!


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