Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fridays Fences ~ # 19

  I sure do hope this fence is electric...that's what it would take to keep this mean looking fella in!

     Welcome to Friday's a photo of a fence or of something through a fence
     and sign up below....thanks for participating and have fun!


Suburban Girl said...

I wouldn't want to make him angry with me...fence or no fence!

Sivinden said...

A fence can be a very good thing to have...

SportyMummy said...

I'm glad you are on this side of the caption is needed to tell what that guy is thinking!!

TexWisGirl said...

he's a beauty!

Anonymous said...

Next time could you get closer?

Nancy said...

You are not kidding! He's a big boy! :)

Tammy said...

At least he doesn't have horns ;)

Bruce Clark said...

He's not mean, he's just saying hello!

Dianne said...

he looks more curious than mean
he seems to have freckles on his face :)

Debbie said...

i hope your right, that fence doesn't look like it could hold back a fly!!

he's a beauty....nice and shiny!!

Linda said...

I would want my running shoes on, just in case! Nice shot...fence is a GOOD idea! Have a great day!

Teresa said...

He's a handsome guy~very long bodied.

A Colorful World said...

Scary looking bull! I do think I see a line across the top that might be electric...I'm with you, I hope he stays put! :-)

I am enjoying being a part of the meme! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Great photo! Thank you for hosting the fences!

Liz said...

Love it! I am posting something similar this week too :)

Unknown said...

WOW, that's one big bull, glad you are on that side of the fence.

Carletta said...

By the way he's looking at you I hope so too because that fence wouldn't hold him for very long. :)
Nice shot Janis!

Carole M. said...

yes; hope the fence is well secured

gigi said...

LOve this pic. It reminds me that I took one like this on New Years day. I'm gonna go find it and use it for Friday Fences too.

Anonymous said...

Great the view through your fence!

gtyyup said...

Awww...he's a handsome fellow. Bull or cow, they're kinda like elephants...they go where they please. Keep 'um happy with food and they'll stay put!

Evelyn S. said...

He seems quite comfortable in his domain, probably aware that very few are going to bother him.

don said...

I wouldn't want to mess with him! Fine fence shot.

Small City Scenes said...

I am glad he is behind a fence. LOL MB

Bridget Larsen said...

You captured this scene really well, it should appear in a book
Bridget #41

Nancy said...

Your photo gives a whole new meaning to "fenced in". In this case. . .it's a good thing. First time linking up to Friday's Fences. Hope you'll have a chance to stop by for a glimpse of fences Rocky Mountain style. God bless.

Roan said...

That looks like one mean bull. Grandpa had one of those in his pasture. We used to like to climb a tree in his domain, so we would sneak out there when he wasn't looking. Of course sometimes he would see us and hang out below. Grandpa had to rescue us a few times. lol Love the fence!

Hootin Anni said...

What an amazing image!! The wonderful creature behind the fencing, almost makes the fence unnoticeable.

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Oh goodness...I wouldn't want this big boy as a neighbor if that's all there was for fencing. Yes I hope it's electric too! Great photo and this is my first visit to your Friday Fences link party so I will have fun looking around. Have a wonderful weekend!
Maura :)

Faye said...

Yes, a little "goosey wire" is called for in this instance. Even though you've done some soft editing--I think--he's still pretty intimidating!

EG CameraGirl said...

He doesn't have a friendly face, does he? :))

Anonymous said...

It doesn't look electric. I don't see any of those little things that hold it off the wood ( I forgot what they are called -- but I saw them all the time when I was a kid)

He doesn't look too mad hee hee