Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Barn Charm ~ # 59

              This is a typical barn here in S. Central Pa.  very well kept and serving a purpose!
                                            to see more Barn charm just click on the pic below


Lois Evensen said...

How pretty. Love that wreath. :)

TexWisGirl said...

just a gorgeous place!!! wow!

Deb said...

wow...now that is awesome...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I wonder if someone lives in it. it looks good enough to live in to me

Teresa said...

It's so beautiful! It's a lot of work to keep a barn looking that good.

Anonymous said...

Very big & very nice! Love the stone

Thanks for joining =)

theconstantwalker said...

A wonder building to see.
I have just had a wonderful browse around yoru blog.

Lesley said...

That top window in the peak is quite decorative!

Jeannelle said...

Nice shot!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Great barn!

Pamela said...

the one visit we had to PA .. we were impressed with the beautiful barns. I remember reading a book when I was a wee kid -- about a family that lived in a teeny little house and then the husband built a big beautiful barn for his animals. When he went to town, the woman moved the family into the barn and claimed it.

Becky said...

What a cool barn. I've seen several this week I should have photographed, but always someone driving behind me, and no place to stop. :~(
Happy New Year!

Dianna said...

Just beautiful. I love Pennsylvania barns! We went sleigh riding in Cowansville, PA last January; I took lots of barn pics on that trip.

penny said...

Simply charming.. I love the white star and fancy shutters against the deep red color.
Happy New Year to you and Jer.. have a safe trip southward, Janis.

Susan said...

Wow, it really is taking well care of. It's beautiful!

Rose said...

And I so love that stone foundation...not to mention the barn itself!