This is looking out my back yard towards my neighbors yard. I picked this view because the two bushes you see will explode with color in the spring.
This is a fun meme to take a photo of the same thing on the first of each month and post it. If you would like to play please go here to sign up!
Hadn't realised you still had snow! Our Spring bulbs have begun to show, there are even a couple of early crocus, but no snowdrops yet. It must be lovely to see your shrubs when they bloom.
That's a lovely view that you have here Janis. Your neat little shed put mine to shame. Think we might share house and trim color preferences--I have a white house, brown roof , and lighter shade of brown shutters. Will those shrubs be blooming 1st of March? We'll just have to wait won't we?
Very pretty view with the freshly fallen snow!
I can see tons of potential, Jan. Great choice for this project.
Now that'w one meme I'm not tempted to join -- we aren't in the same place for 12 months, so I'll just enjoy yours!.
You picked a pretty place for your photo -- lovely now and I can't wait to see those bushes in bloom.
A delightful wintry scene! Iy seems to be waiting breathlessly for changes!
I won't rub it in that it's 60 here this morning. The weekend it was mid 70's. Just realized this is the time of year your usually in the South. Sorry if I missed something been so busy around here.
Oh, the snow! It's always beautiful when it's in someone else's yard. LOL. Can't wait to see those bushes bloom.
It's pretty, but I'm ready for spring. Have a great day!
Food for Thought
that makes a lovely picture. thanks so much for stopping by. Kaye—the road goes ever ever on
I look forward to seeing the colour in spring!
I"m late again this month. But better late than never?
I sort of wished I'd gone with a stationery object -- I just chose my grands as a sudden thought.
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