Friday, December 10, 2010


Toy Trains have always been a favorite of my Hubby's. Every year at Christmas time, he always talks about how he would love to have a toy train and garden around our tree, like he did as a boy. This year was no different.  when we talked about it, we realized the work involved and decided not to partake in this venture.  Instead we went to the small town over from us and saw their huge train garden. Every year its on display and this is the first year we paid a visit. I think my Hubby got his train least for this year anyway!


Living Life said...

Your photos turned out great! I love the drive-in theatre. Looks like a little town I wouldn't mind living in.

LV said...

No matter what age we are, there is always some child hidden away. I love trains as well. Never had one but enjoyed watching them in the stores.

MarieElizabeth said...

What fun! Great photos, I felt like I was there too.

Anonymous said...

ohhh i love train sets & little towns - i have a Christmas village that i need to get some shots of... i'll do that today... thanks

Becky said...

Excellant post! My hubby LOVES trains. If you get a minute check out his blog It's all trains, and includes lots of pictures of his layout.We haven't posted on it in a while but it's still worth a look.

Jidhu Jose said...


penny said...

My husband loves trains also. He had a big collection until we moved south, he left it for the family with two small boys who bought our home.
Now he wishes he still had it, especially at Christmas time.

Warm hugs and smiles across the miles,

Faye said...

Good plan--if one trip was not enough you could take Hubby on a return trip. This has me thinking of a miniature train/railroad village set up in a garden exhibit at the Columbus Garden Show many years ago. Did you by any chance watch Prirot's trip on the Orient Express this pm on PBS? It might be replayed if seems that Jer would enjoy.

SouthernSass said...

I love train sets and villages. Great photos!

Cheryl Ann said...

Oh, my husband would love these pics! Both his father and his grandfather worked for the railroad in Pennsylvania! Nice pics!