WOW, I can hardly believe that today it has been two years since the birth of my blog. Here I am still blogging and I have journal ed 411 posts. I have to tell you all that blogging has been one of the best things that has happened to me in my lifetime. Two things it has made me discover about myself. First is that, I do have something to say and can express myself in a creative way. Next is a biggy! I always enjoyed taking photos, but since I have been blogging, I see the world through different eyes. To take in nature and its beauty has been so inspiring to me. Now I love to look for photo opps and test my skills on how to take a great shot. It has made me learn new things, like my new SLR camera I purchased in the spring. They say when you get older to keep your mind busy and learn something new everyday. Well folks, I have been doing just that, and loving every minute of it! In the past two years I have met so many nice fellow bloggers and feel like they are family. Never thought I would call people I never met in person family, but that is what happens in the blogosphere. Thanks to all of you who come to visit my blog and leave me such nice comments, they make my day!
I intend to keep on doing what I'm doing, because...I LOVE IT!!
happee bloggersary to you!
keep spreading love! ^^,
Happy blogging-anniversary to you! I love visiting your site and enjoy your photos very much. I especially like the covered bridge photo!
Happy Monday!
Happy bloggerversary, and many more!
Happy bloggaversary!!!
Happy Blogoversary! It's been a joy to meet you.
Happy Bloggerversary!!! Your blog was one of the first ones I found and began reading when I first started blogging. I enjoyed reading it then and I still enjoy it.
Congratulations on your blog-birthday...Hope you get to do lots of special things today that you enjoy...
We love your pictures..Mummy says your covered bridge picture in the header reminds her of 'The bridges of Madison County'.
buddy n Ginger
happy bloggersary to you! Love your entry! :)
Congratulations on your great blog achievement, Janis! I ditto everything you wrote about the benefits of blogging. None of my friends are into blogging and, therefore, don't understand why we love it so much. For me also, it's the friendships with people from all over, including you. Lets go for another year in the blogosphere!
Happy Blogoversary! Isn't it fun!
Happy blogversary!! More post to come!!
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