Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Koi Pond


(click to enlarge)

For more water photos from all over the world go here
for wordless Wednesday photos go here


Judy said...

Have the herons or the raccoons found the pond yet? That would be my concern, having it out in the open like that! Although the sound of it would be heavenly!!

Chubskulit Rose said...

That's gorgeous!

My Water Wednesday

stan said...

Are those kois in the pond?

Kim, USA said...

I see Koi fish, seems like they thrive more if waterlilies is abundant. Great shot!

Beth F said...

Nice watery shots.

Unknown said...

cool! kois are relaxing to watch.

Vintagesouthernlife said...

Great shots. Such detail

eileeninmd said...

Great shots of the koi fish and gorgeous pond.

Hootin Anni said...


My Wednesday post if about a song in my heart...do drop by if you can. Here's the link

penny said...

Koi have such varied and beautiful colors. They are wonderful to watch swimming around in a lovely pond like this one, Jan.

Margaret Almon said...

The orange fish make such a vibrant photo.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty catch - I love the lil fishies (Koi) under the lily pads

2sweetnsaxy said...

Really nice. And the leaves look so rich and green!

Tara said...

It looks like some kind of special lily pads...

Vintagesouthernlife said...

Thanks for visiting by my blog and and your kind comments.

Jekyll and St.Simon are my favorite places to visit. We went there every summer when my son was growing up.We decided to retire at Myrtle Beach because it was closer to the grandbabies.Do they still have the gorgeous flower beds at Jekyll?
Take care, Annette

Pamela said...

wish we had a waterfall like that on our pond. gorgeous. I gotta show my hubby