Great minds! My friend and I are taking our annual peach roadtrip tomorrow. Plan on filling truck full. Be very popular with friends when we return.
Hope you're having a good summer, Janis. I've been a bit AWOL from blogging in July but am back with it now. Think for a lot of people blogging and summertime doesn't go together--want to be outside.
I love the fresh peaches.; We are just getting the ones right off the tree now. These look like the good old red ones. Thank you for your visit to my little world. You are more than welcome to use the button you wanted of mine.
How nice it must be to have a productive peach tree in the garden!
Lovely picture of peaches, but I confess I'm rather taken with the dish!
Okay, now you have me drooling!!!!
Here's an invitation to visit CRYSTAL for Macro Monday. Hope to see you stop by sometime.
Great minds! My friend and I are taking our annual peach roadtrip tomorrow. Plan on filling truck full. Be very popular with friends when we return.
Hope you're having a good summer, Janis. I've been a bit AWOL from blogging in July but am back with it now. Think for a lot of people blogging and summertime doesn't go together--want to be outside.
They look so delicious!
Fuzzy tasty!
A great bowl of fruits!
this would be my husbands dream to have fruit like this in our garden
centre of interest
I love peaches. I could eat a bowl of them right now!
I hope you enjoyed them cause that peach tree is soon gone. :0(
Lovely setting for those yummy peaches. The best way to eat them is ripe off the tree!
I walk past them in the grocery -- and the scent just makes you want to bathe in them. Beautiful.
They look delicious!!! Yum! How nice of them to share!
I love the fresh peaches.; We are just getting the ones right off the tree now. These look like the good old red ones. Thank you for your visit to my little world. You are more than welcome to use the button you wanted of mine.
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