Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


Living Life said...

I have to laugh, cause I have so many similar photos! I like the first one the best!

Jan said...

Are these in your yard, Jan. They're beautiful.

Faye said...

Love how all three photos are in the same color family. Longwood Gardens? Lucky girl! Do you know the name of that pink "bottlebrush" flower?

Ingrid said...

What wonderful flowers !

Crafty and Classy said...

So pretty!

Pamela said...

is that bottlebrush or butterfly brush.
I don't see it in our area - so I'm assuming it doesn't like it here.


carmilevy said...

I could look at these photos all day. Such incredible beauty, beautifully captured through your lens.

eastcoastlife said...

Your garden is looking pretty with these colourful blooms! Is that an orchid in the first photo?

Debs said...

Such pretty flowers. :)