Monday, April 5, 2010

The Good The Bad n The Ugly


Gattina is our hostess this week and here is her challenge....she wants us to show our prettiest and ugliest umbrella's.

Well folks, as you can see my umbrellas are pretty pathetic. I will call them..the good, the bad n the ugly. I think the photos tell it all. One day I will have a pretty umbrella.

for some more pretty or ugly umbrellas click here


Sayre said...

Boy, your bad is really bad! Do you save that one for the really windy storms?

Living Life said...

I have quite a collection of umbrellas. Not sure why. I'll bet I have at least 10. I may try to post mine later.

joanygee said...

Id you'd like to visit me, I hope you'll agree I have one pretty brolly.
Most of mine are small and collapsible, easy to stuff into a raincoat pocket.

Faye said...

I have that same collection--black large, black small, black mini, plus a few cheap ones that I picked up at conferences in working days. On Saturday our local newspaper had a features article on "April Showers Umbrellas"--pretty, colorful, fun. For myself, I prefer a hooded jacket or poncho for dog walking.

Pamela said...

well, they are pretty if they keep you dry.

I end up with dry shoulders and wet legs!

Anonymous said...

LOL. Yup your bad is pretty bad almost as bad as mine. LOL Thanks for sharing and have a great week ahead :)

Jan said...

Yours are utilitarian, what more can we ask! I'm going to host next week.

Anonymous said...

Now, I think I know who has my umbrella.

Anonymous said...

I like your bad.

Ingrid said...

At least they are big and I suppose you don't forget them everywhere. I umbrellas would grow I would leave a whole plantation behind me, lol!

carmilevy said...

I rather like yours. The geometry is captivating.