I just wanted to comment a little on the latest news. Its about the octuplets that were born in California last week. Is is just me or do you agree that this women is 'NUTS'! From what I understand she has a degree in early childhood development and is pursuing a Masters in child psychology. To bring 8 babies into this world by invitro is irresponsible and unfair to the innocent new Born's and also to her other six children, all under the age of six or seven. How does this woman intend to care for all of these kids???? Poor judgement on her part, has created a huge price tag in hospital bills and long term care of these babies. Guess who will wind up paying ----- your right -- the state of California. This has taken Invitro fertilization too far over the line. Something needs to be done NOW!!! I really don't think that God intended for women to give birth to a litter!!!!!! My heart goes out to these innocent little babies, they most likely will be facing a lot of health problems in the future. What are your thoughts on this???
I couldn't agree with you more. It's all about her, the mother. This morning she said because she had a bad childhood she needs to surround herself with children. I understand those feelings. I was one of eight children. But in time of weakness a litter of puppies will work for me. She's out of control and God help the little ones. There's no way she can give them the tools they will need in a modern world.
I completely agree and blame the fertility doctor who put eight embryos into her at once. Sometimes with fertility medications, you can't predict what will happen, but this was purposeful! She will be on TV on Monday and I'm going to watch it to hear her perspective of the situation, and then make my decision, but honestly.......
I agree! There should be some ethical guidelines for these fertility doctors!
The fertility doctor(s) should lose their licenses.
Then, be made to help pay for everything from the diapers to the health care that these babies will surely need...for the rest of their lives.
She will, no doubt, write a book and try to make millions from the travesty.
I feel so sorry for all FOURTEEN of those children.
I think swampwitch hits the note right here, who is going to pay for all of this? not just the medical bills, but formula and diapers? because I REALLY REALLY doubt that this lady will cloth diaper and breastfeed all 8. seriously. i know before people have had several kids, but they were hoping for 1 or 2 and they only had 1 or 2 kids before, so logically they could take care of them, but as she has no job and lives with her parents, that's totally irresponsible on everyone's part. and of course even though they got 'stuff' they were appreciative and seemed to live normal lives otherwise. i'm not saying a single lady shouldn't do IVF, because more power to her, but really, guys, come on, 14 kids?
Hi Jan! I'm behind on commenting, so sorry this is late. I agree completely. I decided long ago that I would not be good mother material. I knew that raising even one child requires a tremendous amount of patience and hard work, and frankly, I didn't think I'd be up for the challenge. Ergo, no kids, and I continue to feel that I made the right choice for myself.
I hate to say it, but this lady's story reminds me of the terrible stories you hear about animal hoarders: people whose intentions might be good, but they take on WAY more than they can responsibly and appropriately handle. In this lady's case, she is not in a place financially (never mind physically or mentally) to support a huge family. I feel sorry for the children, since they will suffer the most. *sigh*
It seems like I recall her saying right after the birth of the eight. She didn't want them in the public eye. Someone must have waved enough money in front of her to change her mind. She says she's not getting government help. But if she's single and unemployed I don't think the Doctor and hospital took care of her for free. Or does she not understand medicaid is government funded. I agree with the other comments about the Doctor. He needs to be held responsible for such a stupid (for lack of a better word) decision. Im sorry but it's a sore subject for me. I have a sister-in-law that has tried in-vetro four times and all has failed. Only putting two embryos in, and here is this woman who has six, and then has eight more.
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