Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy 2011

A happy New Year!
 Grant that I   
May bring no tear to any eye

When this New Year in time shall end

Let it be said I've played the friend,

Have lived and loved and labored here,

And made of it a happy year.
~Edgar Guest


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Shoot me 35 of 52

Just me goofing off with my cool fun girlfriends.
for more shoot me pics go here

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Monday, December 27, 2010

Barn Charm

What can I say...this is charm .  I love the cupolos.
to see more charming barns please click here

Friday, December 24, 2010

A Christmas message

A message we all need to remember during the mad rush at Christmas.  Jer n I wish all that come here, Many Blessings at Christmas and a Healthy, Happy n prosperous New Year!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Shoot me 34 of 52

Just me taking a picture of my daughter while she was taking one of me. See the old stove in back of had the most delicious pot of vegetable soup cooking on it for the patrons. Even the oldest grands like it. Wow..can you imagine...they are eating vegetables!!!
for more shoot me pics please click  here

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

Barn Charm

I thought this was a pretty barn. Love all the windows in it and the stone foundation.  They even have Christmas wreaths hung.
                                             for more barn charm photos please click here

Friday, December 17, 2010

I wanna be Three again

Our youngest Grand daughter Holly is three and a half and in preschool.  Today was her Christmas program. To see the innocence of this age is so sweet and it always makes me cry tears of joy to see the excitement on their faces to sing songs and see Santa Claus.Wish we could keep them this age forever!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Shoot me 33 of 52

Just me baking cookies for the shut ins at our church a few weeks ago
It's me again baking cookies for me at my Daughters house last weekend.
for more fun shoot me photos go here

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A few of my Favorite Things

Every year at Christmas as I drag out all the decorations, I think that I need to update my stuff because every thing I have is so old. Well I am a sentimental kinda girl and I cannot part with any of these.  Even though they are old, each piece means the world to me and I will never part with them.

I have collected quite a few angels through the years and these are a few of my favorites. They were given to me from people that are and were a big part of my life.
This little figurine  was given to me by my Mother back in the seventies, its a music box that plays O Holy night. I still have the original box that it came in with the name tag still on it that says to Janis from Mom.  Now that my Mom has been gone from this world 11 years on Dec 27, I cherish this piece even more and feel so close to her when I see the name tag with her writing on it.
This cute little Angel Rag Doll was made for me by my youngest Daughter back in 1995. She has a  place on the steps every Christmas and it gives me much pleasure to know that it was made with love just for me.
I bought this Golfer Santa for my Husband in the late 90's because he loves to play golf. I can still see the surprise n delight on his face when he opened it.

This nativity scene was made and given to me by my sister in law in 1970.  It has a proud place on my coffee table and will continue to do so. A sad reminder for me now that my sister in law is now in an assistant living facility with Alzheimer's.
This ornament was given to me by my Oldest Daughter just 3 years ago, so its pretty new, but cherished just the same.
This ornament was made for me by my two oldest grand daughters six years ago. Another reminder of how fast these kids grow and to appreciate these precious years.
I hope all of my favorite things will  be passed down to my family after I am gone and will have some sentimental value to them as it has for me.
On this day 56 years ago my Dad went to live with our Father in Heaven. It gives me comfort that he n my Mom are together. Merry Chirstmas Mom n Dad...I will never stop missing you!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Barn Charm

What caught my eye about this barn was the stick star. Looks like this is a well maintained building.
To view more old barns with lots of charm just click here

Friday, December 10, 2010


Toy Trains have always been a favorite of my Hubby's. Every year at Christmas time, he always talks about how he would love to have a toy train and garden around our tree, like he did as a boy. This year was no different.  when we talked about it, we realized the work involved and decided not to partake in this venture.  Instead we went to the small town over from us and saw their huge train garden. Every year its on display and this is the first year we paid a visit. I think my Hubby got his train least for this year anyway!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Shoot me 32 of 52

Just Me n my Hubby during a visit to our favorite nursery n gift shop
For more fun shoot me pics just click here

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Old Barns

This looks like old with the new. The wooden part looks like it is falling apart.
to see more old barns go here

Friday, December 3, 2010

Getting into the Christmas Spirit

Over the last weekend my three youngest grand daughters came to spend the night and help decorate our Tree.

All done...good job on to the next thing.
Around this time of year, its always fun to make a countdown to Christmas chain. You remember them don't you?  I remember making them in school every December. Thanks to cousin Casey for getting all the materials ready.
They turned out really nice!
                      Next its time for dinner from their favorite guessed it...McDonalds!

 Now onto another fun project...making pretzel treats...its so easy, just arrange the square pretzels onto a cooking sheet...put a candy wafer in the middle of each one.....put in a 325 degree oven for 50 seconds to melt the candy wafer.

Add either mini mnm's or a chocolate chip on each one.  Put in the fridge for about 1/2 hour to speed up the process of getting hard....they are sooooo yummy!
Now for a little card game...who wants to play Go Fish!!!! 

Maybe play some games on the computer....Nick Jr has some real good ones!

What a fun night we had...I just love times like this!